It is said the ecology can be either deep or shallow.... Or: there is deep ecology, so there is shallow ecology.
Well, in fact they used to speak only about deep ecology – they probably never speak about shallow ecology. At least I have never heard anything about shallow ecology. But if anybody speaks about deep ecology (even if it is but a misty, not defined notion), with no doubt it is possible to speak also about shallow ecology. It can be hardly imagined there is only deep ecology. Could one imagine there was only deep water – nowhere ankle-deep, knee-deep, waist-deep, neck-deep water, everywhere many-metre deep water. All around us only abysses, which means no possibilities for paddling and wading and splashing around.
But don't forget this is the Extreme University, so all faculties are extreme, too, including ecology. Both extremely deep and extremely shallow. As well as extremely middle. And hands-up-deep.
In the past ecology focused on the issue of balance in Nature. It was really great time. Until they discovered that something like equilibrium does not exist. Nature is the endless sequence of disasters, calamities and catastrophes, small, big and huge. Equilibrium could be defined as a state with no catastrophes. But if the no-catastrophe-state is but an imaginable state (or unimaginable – it depends on the power of imagination), then the state of balance does not exist. Unless we speak about a state of balance of catastrophes. I would risk to make a statement (or it would be but a supposition), that the lack of catastrophes, disasters and calamities of various sizes and characters is (or can be) the greatest catastrophe for the Nature. It's not impossible, that one day in the future the Institute of Catastrophes will be founded within the Faculty of Ecology. We shall see. However I think that we should start with preparing a lecture tilted nicely:

The Catastrophic Equilibrium or The Equilibrium of Disasters and Catastrophes

It is great time now, too. No doubt. Maybe because ecology does not focus now on balance in Nature, but on protecting it from a pollution catastrophe – of course this is a bit malicious simplification (it's hard to say whether “a bit” concerns maliciousness or simplification – probably both).
So, simplifying even more, but only to complicate everything later really extremely, it can be said, that all kinds of ecological issues, both in the past and now, as well as in the future, can be reduced to the single issue of space. Well, every being having appeared in the world takes a part of space for itself thus making it impossible for other beings to occupy this very part of space. A tree can't grow in the very same place where I build a house – I will not build a house in the place where a tree grows. Unless I cut it down. And if I don't want to cut it down, than following the example of birds I can try to build my house in or on a tree..... and right in this very place endless complications, splitting hairs, start – however these will be exciting subjects for lectures, workshops, exercises and studies. For example:

Is it possible to live occupying no space at all?
How to live occupying as little space as possible?
Does more of these ones mean less of those ones?
A city-cloud (this lecture can be ignored)

Thoughts-prey. Thoughts-predators. Mind-jungle. Mind-desert.

It is well known that Liberland is a state build of letters and words. Ecology of words and letters. This is really something. SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY! Probably nobody has been interested in it so far – except censors, but I'm afraid they understood it very differently.... Just try to imagine the abundance of topics and subjects:

Do words occupy any space? 
Rubbish-texts. Waste-words. Litter-letters.

Do non-words occupy less or more space than words?
How can the production of notions be reduced

What a vast, reaching far beyond horizon, field for studies and experiments has just appeared in front of us: THE ECOLOGY OF MIND...
