Of course it is not possible. To live means to occupy a place, a piece of space. This is what existing is all about, too. Something that does not exist, occupies no place. Something that exists, occupies a place. Something that occupies a place, does exist. Something that occupies no place, does not exist. So, if we were living occupying no place at all, we would not exist – we would be living not existing. This is very interesting, indeed; one can exist not living, for life and existence are not the same, but one can’t live not existing.

It looks like space gives us no chances.

How about time?

There is no issue of filling the time up. Time can’t be packed with entities. All beings and non-beings find for themselves a place in time, without fighting, without pushing and shoving, in any time unit, even in the smallest one, which can’t be said in case of space – with no doubt all entities can not be packed in one cubic meter. Time will always have room for next entities, and this does not result from the obvious fact that when the new ones are appearing the old ones are disappearing. The astonishing volume of time is not the derivative of its extendibility – time is not extendable, though it looks like, time is fixed, rigid. The flowing of time is not the reason, either, although it seems it is. It only seems so, but it’s not. The fact time does not exist is the reason of its shocking, infinite volume. Why is time so different from space when they are mutually so dependent, so interlaced that we used to speak about spacetime? As though they were but two aspects of the same. Of what?

Of course, we can presume that the differences between time and space are not real, time and space only seem to us different, or they are only aspects of something that deludes us, hides its countenance, or lack of it, behind the curtain of them.

So, if the differences between time and space are not real, we can expect that sometimes time becomes space and space becomes time. Or sometimes space takes some features of time. If space has this very property, if it doesn’t exist like time doesn’t exist, then it would be possible to live occupying no place at all; any unit of space could contain all entities, all beings and non-beings. But, nobody knows why, time doesn’t share this feature with space. And we can influence space in no way. We can’t change space, we can’t change its features, we can’t make it change. We are helpless, though not as helpless as in the face of time, at least we can fill it with rubbish, which we can’t do with time, and this is really the easiest thing to be done.

If we can do nothing with space, maybe we can do something with us. Mentioning non-beings we didn’t mean anything that is opposite to beings, or anything that is not existing presuming that a being is something that exists. We were thinking of non-existing as time doesn’t exist. Notions can be considered such non-beings, notions in all their variety and abundance, so not only words. Isn’t it fascinating that in a head which is a very precisely measurable piece of space, in a head that can be defined as a unit of space, there is room enough for the unmeasurable quantity, uncountable number of notions? Yes, it is fascinating. And it is even more fascinating that if we succeeded to transform ourselves into notions (which is not really difficult, we function as notions in other minds, we live in this way in other heads, and in ours as well), then we would occupy no place. Yes, it is incredibly fascinating, and it would be even more incredibly fascinating, if we succeeded, as notions, to leave the heads and exist outside them. Yes, maybe we-notions would not occupy any places, but the heads would, heads where we would exist and without which we could not exist… Now will speak loudly those who think this is really possible to exist off-head, because a notion is just an electromagnetic wave, and such waves are everywhere, and if so, then notions would exist beyond heads. Here a big discussion can start, enormous cat fight: not every wave is a thought, though every thought is a wave... every?...

Steering clear of these dangerous shallows, we should ascertain if an electromagnetic wave occupy a place or not, because if it does not, which we might expect, it does not exist, and if it exists, it occupies a place, which will immediately turn our serious considerations into a fable.

We don’t recommend any exercises to take the mind out from the head. But we do not forbid them, either.
