A city-cloud

     This is an illusion we should not bother about, but we should at least say a word.

Imagine a cloud-city. A city-cloud. Not a virtual city in a virtual cloud, but a real city in the real sky. A city that is not like a cloud, but a city that is a cloud.

It seems logical. All lands, all continents and islands built-up, all pieces of ground covered with buildings and streets – then the sea will be free. But the sea can be covered, too. There are many seas and their surface is much more vast than the lands’ surface. So it would be better, much better. And it seems easier to flatten water than ground. Probably the near land areas would be the most attractive, though many people would appreciate living in the central parts of the oceans... Well, we shouldn’t be interested in this problem, now, it can distract us... There is no need to think of underground and underwater cities, either. The possibility to breathe deeply, to take a gulp of fresh air, as well as a vast view are irreplaceable, and even if they succeeded to breed the race of human moles and herrings, Vast View will remain the most important myth repeated with the highest respect and precision, will be the Fundamental Story, the dearest treasure... That’s why it’s better not to dive into a labyrinth of corridors and tunnels even if we could leave it from time to time for a while.

Of course we can urbanized both all lands and seas, wrap the entire Earth in an urban crust, in a sort of armour. We can create a city-crust. But this is not what we would like to do. At least a part of us. Let’s hope the bigger part – hope loves to play tricks.

So, there is only air. Sky. A city in the sky. A city in heaven. A sky-city. A heaven-city. The lands are free and covered by plants. The seas and oceans are free and evaporate freely. The sky is built-up entirely. Could the sky be built-up entirely? The sky is so much bigger than the ground and water. Almost infinite. Almost...

This city-cloud would be made of glass. It would be transparent. The sunbeams would go through it easily. These rays would refract on numberless glass surfaces set at all possible and impossible angles; seen from beneath the city would look like a mist shimmering with all possible and impossible colours. Shadows cast by the city would be colourful, vibrating, floating, alternating… At night this city would be a distant galaxy, which suddenly, unexpectedly, due to a temporary and absolutely unpredictable collapse of the rules of physics, have found itself in our sky, at the touching distance. Doesn’t matter it would cover the true star constellations – there would be nobody to watch them from the ground, they could be observed much easier from this town located almost in space.

Yes, we would set the Earth free from ourselves. No doubt. The Earth would breathe a sigh of relief. Would relax a little. Only a little. We would come back to it. We would spend holidays on it. We would visit it. We would continue to trample it, however more slowly. And we would cover the sky with miraculously shimmering, glass muslin. The Earth and everything on it would prefer blue sky and ordinary clouds, mainly white and grey.

These are only visions. No matter how beautiful and charming they were, they would not free us up from asking this very unwanted question: what would be raining from this city . . . . . . . . . After troublesome silence next questions will appear: will such city-clouds collide? will they throw thunderbolts? unless these is only one such city, a city-mist, a mistcity . . . . . . And the most important question: where will the ordinary clouds-clouds go? will they disappear for ever like everything disappears?

     Yeah, we would set the Earth free, and we would conquer the Sky. We would move from the Earth to the Sky. Into the Sky. Into Heaven.
       We are supposed to dream about it. For so many years they have been convincing us it is so much better over there, while we are still here.
     Why? Why not over there?
