How to live occupying as little space as possible

Since we already know it is impossible to live occupying no space at all, let us ponder how we can live occupying as little space as possible.

It should be emphasized the notion space refers to the 3D space. We don’t mean place or room or a point on the plane or a set of points although we do mean them too, because space contains all of them, that’s why we think of space, not of it elements or parts. This is important and must be absolutely clear otherwise someone can think it’s enough to stand on tiptoes and the problem is solved. No, it’s not enough, the problem can not be solved in this way.

The observation shows clearly: the smaller you are the less space you occupy. Yes. This seems obvious. A bacterium needs less space than an elephant. So, where does a small dose of doubt contained by the word seems come from? Well, it comes from another observation: all bacteria occupy incomparably more space than all elephants.

It also seems absolutely clear that if someone wants to occupy less space, someone must be smaller than someone is now. Although the demand is absolutely right, the doubt, again expressed by the word seems, refers to possibilities of meeting this demand. In fact only one thing can de done: to slim down if somebody is fat (of course, a slim person can always be more slim). Plastic surgery has made an enormous progress, yet not enough to transform a giant into a dwarf. It’s hard to imagine somebody decides to make the legs shorter (or at least to make the feet smaller – then wouldn’t need to stand on tiptoes). We think at once of genetic engineering which, as a method, is much more subtle and delicate than the ruthless butchery. More subtle in some aspects while more controversial and rude in the others. Digging in one’s chromosomes causes common fear and deep disgust. At least now. Making the most of various methods used in breeding would not be accepted, too. And what would we gain being significantly smaller if we kept living in the cultural environment created for bigger people? Making all the objects surrounding us smaller would be a nightmare devouring unimaginable amounts of space and energy.

Thus we have touched the heart of the matter – our monstrous mind. Because the mind needs and occupies much more space than the body does.

That is why we should prefer:
a hut to a palace
one’s own legs to a car, so a winding path trodden by these legs to a six lane motorway, of course
a duet to a symphony orchestra
a drawing on a scrap of paper to a huge installation consisting of numerous elements
a pipe to grand piano
a simple pentatonic scale to the major-minor system
a whisper or roar of the wind to an oratorio
hands to a cathedral
a smile to a litany
haiku to a novel
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
And do not forget that mute delight is the best.

A homework: convince a tree not to grow and spread.
