A book appears in my head. A whole book. Complete. Ready. I have to take it our from there. Nobody can go inside to read it. Even myself. How can I get it from there not to make it look like a jellyfish thrown by waves on a sandy beach? I write, WRITE, write, write... translate, draw, design, make layout, analyse the construction, think of opening-shutting-turning-spreading-folding, arrange the text flow, edit, create fonts, choose paper, set, print, bind... I should make all these things at once. Simultaneously. I should, but I don’t, because I can’t, because it is impossible. No matter how strongly and diligently I try. This is a fundamental contradiction between imagining and making. Imagining (inventing) is not linear, while making is... That’s the reason why not always what I made is what I imagined...  It’s sheer madness to do everything by myself. Yes. It is so. But it is also a method. And due to this method my books are like I want them to be (whether the books are interested in what I want is just another matter) – and I want a book to be an integral work, an indivisible entity, I want all elements a book is composed of to fit well, to have a semantic value, to mean something, to take part in telling a story. I have free hands and free mind. Inasmuch. So my books are free, too. Inasmuch. They are not free from me. Like I am not free from myself. Unfortunately... 

The fact my books are born in one place, in the attic of my house in Dąbrowa Dolna, does not mean that a part of the process can not occur outside: I often write and draw while traveling, I can also go to a big printing studio... other places are not a problem, but other heads may be a problem, a really big problem...

The books are printed on inkjet printers. They are assembled individually and hand bound. That is why copies may vary one from another, sometimes more, sometimes less. Some titles evolve and can have two or three versions. All editions are open which means new copies are produced as they are needed. Formerly the copies were numbered, now they are dated and signed by the author.
The books have been shown (now not as often as before) at numerous group and solo exhibitions, at fairs and festivals of books: normal, abnormal, artist's, fine press, avant-garde, experimental, unconventional, any kind... all over Europe, in the USA, Korea, Israel, Mexico, Taiwan, Japan, and who knows where else.
They can be found in many public and private libraries all over the world. They can not be found in book shops.

All books are accessible in the Liberatorium reading room.
All books are available at Liberatorium.