The texts below were printed on the wall to accompany our common exhibition:

In 2003 the BWA Art Gallery in Kielce published my Sienkiewicza Street, and in the old venue at Leśna Street I presented the whole process of making this book.
This time I’m presenting the new book which title is Sienkiewicz Street Twenty Years After or In Search Of The Other Side.
If this exhibition is considered a book, wide open and big enough to enter it, then the new Street is the spine of this book while all other books, prints, drawings and pictures are its words, signs, letters…
For many years I was living at this street sharing one room with my brother in the house between the book shop and the music store. We were listening to the same music, practising the big black piano (on its front panel my brother painted one of his first pictures). We were not reading the same books for my brother preferred charming quarks while I preferred rough fossils.
In Kraków while studying architecture we were living together, too. Later on we were not living together although we used to spend together quite a good deal of time.
Now again we are sharing the space of the building almost at the Sienkiewicz Street. My brother has taken the up gallery – I have taken the down one. My first book, a very small and simple one, was to be our common work, but it has never been completed. This one here is much much bigger and complex. And double. Everything bigger comes from the smaller.

Radosław Nowakowski


There was a time I used to paint pictures – now I make pictures. My brother proposed that we make an exhibition together. He gave to me a lot of paper scraps and offcuts. Make something of it – he said.
I made almost five hundred small pictures. I have always liked small pictures.
But I didn’t neglect bigger ones. Now one big picture has been made of small Diaries from the attic room. Everything big comes from the small.
My whole life consists of small things: drinking a bowl of green tea or a glass of red wine, eating morning muesli in a wooden bowl, reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk, riding a bicycle.
My small pictures are the scraps of paper, a few lines drawn with a pencil or crayon, unidentified scribbles. Very random and accidental. I like accidents, surprises, flashes, enlightenments.
I can’t make, or paint as I did in the past, pictures which were imagined before. I know, there is a moment of decision, of final touch and this is not an accident. This is a necessity noted somewhere down. In me and my brother. A double note.

Jacek Nowakowski