Radosław Nowakowski
Sienkiewicz Street in Kielce 20 Years After
or in search of the other side


year:  2023
size: 14 x 27 cm when folded (a pocket version 10 x 19 cm is also available)
covers: hardbound in canvas + cardboard slipcase
paper: 160g (120g), white
print: inkjet printer
language: English
open edition 

Twenty years passed and the same wanderer (can be any of us, but luckily is not -  an awfully bizarre and freaky character he is, indeed) gets off the train at the station in Kielce. By purpose or by accident, doesn't matter for it's the same. But the town is not the same, the street is not the same, he is not the same, the world around is not the same. So is the book. A bit different. It has been written, and should be read, walkwise or from the bottom to the top save the stops and parts when we walk backwards...