Radosław Nowakowski
Non-description of the World (part one)

year:  1980-1984 (imagined, written)  1995 (the first version printed on ink-jet printer - A5, hardbound) 2001 (the second version printed on ink jet printer - 21x21cm, hardbound)  2010 (the third version)
size: 21 x 27 cm
covers: softbound (Japanese binding) + cardboard slipcase
paper: 100g, white
print: inkjet printer
language: Polish
open edition

12 copies of the first version and 7 copies of the second versions have been made so far
the copies of the third version have a date instead of a number

The book-mosaic composed of various texts written during my numerous concert peregrinations across Europe. The book where colour texts appeared for the first time. And tales-maps, sentences-streets, phrases-branches, parallel clauses, too. The book of many successful and successless experiments. Such is the fate of this book.