Radosław Nowakowski
description of a performance impossible


year:  1998 (folder) 2001 (triangle), 2009 (trapezium)
size: 36x26 cm
covers: softbound (Japanese stab binding) + cardboard slipcase
paper: 120g, white
print: inkjet printer
language:  trilingual version (Polish-English-Esperanto)
open edition

Once I imagined a performance lasting nine days and nights, and covering the space of nearly forty kilometres. Because the performance turned out to be impossible, I thought maybe a book was possible... This is the fifth version of it. Maybe that's why a trapezium one. The former one was a triangle. A square folded diagonally makes a triangle. A triangle unfolded hypotenusely makes a square ..... A triangle-butterfly spreading its wings ...... And a square has four sides ..... How many sides has a butterfly? ..... A closed trapezium is a mountain. An open trapezium is a flying bird ...... The first, second and third versions were triple - each one had three folders: with VISIONS, with TEXTS, with SKETCHES. The fourth version has no folders at all.  The fifth one will have none, either. It's going to be trilingual, like the fourth one, although the logic prompts it should be written in four languages: Polish, English, Esperanto and Hasarapasic ..... and maybe it is so ..... The number of pages has no meaning at all, although a hideous coincidence can't be excluded ...... Well, it is just an exercise in composition geometry. And in the semantic trigonometry as well.
Yes, it's the fifth take to describe something impossible. The fifth unsuccessful take. Most likely the sixth take would be unsuccessful, too. An impossible book would be the only successful take.