It is not known which word is right.

It is not known which word is the most convenient.

Probably none of those we know. None of those collected in the most bulky dictionaries, which regardless their bulkiness are but a finite set of words – finite and changeless: once printed they are not going to be changed till their end, unless a page is torn out or some notes written on margins, but such things happen very very rarely in the case of bulky dictionaries.

None of those which were lost somewhere and did not find their place in bulky dictionaries. None of those which were forgotten and not recalled on time. Nor any of those which have been invented lately and are in the dictionaries more and more bulky, incredible bulky, though their bulkiness can not be seen, because it is hidden – each one of these dictionaries looks like a dictionary of one word hence very very thin, being but the 2D surface of the screen.

If none of the words suits, any is good neither as a name nor as a description.... Well, it happens that a name has nothing in common with a description of what is named, and the name gives no indications what the named looks like nor what the named is. It can happen that the name has a lot, or little, in common. It can happen, though not often, that the name and the description are one and the same word, they are identical. It can happen that the name more or less consciously, or consciously or unconsciously, misleads us, beguiles, tries to hide the nature of the named. Yellow Sea is not yellow at all... We will not discuss now the meanders of names. Names are Treacherous Ocean.... An if none of the words suits, then any word would suit. Any word would be good. A drawn one. A random one. Blind chosen. For example: EXAMPLE. Or: OR.

However I have used the word OCEAN, though it is not the right one.


Because an ocean is something huge. An ocean is always huge and vast. There are no little oceans. One ocean can be smaller than another, yet each is huge. And it is huge for all creatures, for whales and for ostracodes. An ocean can be more huge or less huge, but it is always huge. While THIS can be huge. Can be small, too. Sometimes can be even enormously small. Then one can easily grasp the whole of it with one look. Sometimes THIS is so small, it's hard to notice THIS. Can hide thisself and pretend disappearing. An ocean never hides itself and never pretends to disappear. If it disappears, then it disappears slowly. Very slowly, almost unnoticeably and for millions of years. Well, maybe not disappears, rather moves from one place to another. THIS does not move... Sometime THIS is so huge one can't see the whole of THIS even having climbed the highest mountain and using the strongest binoculars.

Every ocean is beautiful. Like every ocean is huge, every ocean is also beautiful. There are no oceans non-huge and non-beautiful. THIS is sometimes beautiful, sometimes pretty and nice, sometimes ugly, not nice, not pretty, not beautiful. Can we say that every thing which is beautiful is an ocean? Is a beautiful tree an ocean? Of course, it is. Is the sky covered with tousled clouds an ocean? Of course, it is. Is...

Every ocean is serious and solemn. There are no frivolous oceans. There are no ridiculous oceans. THIS can be serious, but THIS can also be frivolous. Sometimes THIS is funny. Well, the thesis that THIS is absolutely frivolous, wouldn't be unprovable.

Every ocean is deep and shallow. THIS also is deep and shallow. But deepness and shallowness of THIS is a bit different, because THIS seems to have no bottom, while every ocean has a bottom. Seems is a right word, since THIS has never been explored. Nobody knows whether THIS has a bottom or not. Nobody knows whether any sunk cities or flooded mysterious civilisations are hidden somewhere in deeps or shallows of THIS, whether sunk galleons full of gold keep dropping constantly on the bottomless (certainly not, but it's not forbidden to imagine them), nobody knows what monsters and creatures swim and flow and float in THIS..... Very little is known – it is known there is a beach, and from this beach an end can be seen. It's also strange – usually sitting on the beach we can seen endlessness, while here we can see endness.

The same happens to the other features of THIS. This is the situation of all features of THIS. Apparently THIS has all features of an ocean, but.... It looks as if THIS had all features of an ocean... As if.... As if THIS were an ocean? As-if-ocean?.... Were-ocean?... Quasi-ocean?... Pseudocean?....

So, the name of THIS could be composed of one letter, or of all letters. Of course, the most convenient letter would be O – this is what everybody would think at once. Oh, no. This is not that simple. THIS is not that simple. Nor THIS is round. Well, sometimes THIS is round. Close to the ideal – if a circle is considered an ideal figure, then O is close to the ideal. However sometimes THIS has a shape of a letter W and then W is closer to the ideal, if a shape most convenient to the situation is considered the ideal – striving stubbornly after ideal shape of a circle can end in an ideal catastrophe, and THIS is not that stupid.... Everyday a different letter.... Every moment a different letter.... All letters at once.... Everyday a different configuration of all letters.... Every moment a different configuration of all letters...

Anyway, THIS is a kind of an ocean. THIS is a bizarre ocean. THIS is a weird ocean..

Small Ocean.

Little Ocean.

Tiny Ocean.

No, tiny is too much.

Small Ocean seems to sound best.

What a contradictory name. Here we have an ocean which is huge, which is always huge, because an ocean can't be small, and which is at the same time not huge.

Small Ocean.

A name which is a descriptive name. A name which is also a description. At least a kind of description. For a description, a real description, the most complete description, fully presenting the nature of Small Ocean, should begin from the centre and spread around in all directions, like circles on the water caused by a stone thrown into it. Such way of describing would say (describe) more than the description itself. Even the description of this way of describing would describe more than the description itself.

What was to be described.
