This restaurant is GARDEN not only by its name. It is GARDEN because it is located in a garden, not because somebody found this name attractive, fashionable, interesting, neutral, traditional, enough abstractive, quite popular, provoking nice associations.... Well, it is in the garden, indeed, but it is a garden itself. And if it is a garden, than we have to imagine a garden, not tables and benches standing along narrow alleys winding among decorative trees and flower beds. Oh, no – we should imagine an orchard. Yes – an orchard. Because this garden is more an orchard than a garden.... It was an orchard, which long time ago transformed itself into a garden which is transforming itself right now into a forest. So, this restaurant should be called ORCHARD. With no doubt. Obviously. So, why it is not called ORCHARD? Because it would be the first restaurant having such strange and stupid name? No, it doesn't matter. The fear of unconventionality is not the point. To be afraid of unconventionality, here? No way. Here the most unconventional is something that is conventional... No, the convention rules also here, for the convention rules everywhere, so here as well. It may be a different convention than the one which rules not-here, but convention is nothing but convention.... The restaurant can't be called ORCHARD because this is not an orchard any more, but a garden. And the convention which rules here is the convention of congruency and adequacy of names, of names which are not abstract but coherent.... So, it could be called SEA-NEAR – the sea is really near. Or UNDER-THE-SKY – you enter it, raise your head, and you see the sky through the roof full of holes.... Yes, the roof is really full of holes, plaited from branches, twigs and leaves. The floor is grassy, not smooth, not even, full of creatures nosy and timid, sometimes biting and stinging, so both lying and sitting is not that pleasant as we could expect having seen lush herbs, tall stems, abundant weeds, all the more thorny wild roses are growing everywhere, while the ground, quite clayey is never dry. With no doubt it's better to bring folding chairs, or eat standing. Portable and folding table is not necessary, although it's not forbidden to bring them – such a table is not necessary, tea, coffee and other hot and cold beverages are not served here, so there will be nothing to be put on this table, unless we would like to play cards as a dessert.... This is fully self-service restaurant. There is no kitchen, either. There is no reason to have a kitchen if all meals are being prepared by themselves. And they are not many. They are only a few. Very few. There is no reason to print a menu. It's enough to look around and make a choice.

>>> Various apples just picked from trees.

>>> Plums just picked from trees.

>>> Raspberries just picked from bushes.

>>> Black wine.

>>> Young chestnuts freshly shelled