This is normal. Not normal is the air here which is not transparent...... Oh, no. It isn't colourless. Colourlessness is not tantamount to transparency, like colourness is not tantamount to opacity. The air here is white and transparent, though this is not an absolute transparency, the one being no obstacle for eyesight, even helping it. An absolute transparency is purely theoretical phenomenon, while practically we always experience some kind of mistiness. Even if the mist is so thick that hands stretched forward seem to have no palms, they still have elbows. Also when we are delighted by the crystal clarity of air, out delight is always a bit disturbed by slight blur of the most distant outlines – no, this is not necessarily the result of not sharp eyesight, since this is an immanent fuzziness, a kind of uncertainty of seeing, and even the best glasses won't help. This is the fuzziness of mind, not of seeing. An immanent fuzziness of mind.
It's neither heavy, nor thick. Neither gloomy, nor dense. You can breathe here easily, with no effort, though with no doubt some visitors would almost suffocate indicating extreme stuffiness as a reason... as well as those ones who will complain the air here is thinner than in the stratosphere... Or: some will feel like fish in water, the others will feel like fish thrown to the shore – or: some will feel like birds in the air, while the others will feel like birds thrown into water. Exactly like myself, like I feel somewhere else.
Mist is omnipresent, although it is distributed unevenly. There is quite a lot of it here and it is mainly white. Or whitish. Rarely of other colour. So, the atmosphere is neither heavy, nor thick. Neither gloomy, nor dense.
It is a bit misty.
Something is floating in it. This something looks like rising from the earth rather it isn't falling from the sky. This something comes from the bottom, not from the top. Be careful not to be cheated by the illusion it is the other way round.
It's silky, isn't it?
No. Rather cottony.
Definitely not woolly.
And volumetric composition.
That many percent of this.
This many percent of that.

This much of oxygen. That much of nitrogen. So much of carbon dioxide. So much of different gases. Making you sad and making you happy. Driving to tears and driving to euphoria. So many demons and ghosts. That many of waves and radiations. This much of delight and fury. And so on. And so much of dust in one litre. So many particles of water vapour... Just to avoid a sudden necessity to use the following epithets: clayey or earthy or rough as ocean... And to give the number of mountains and valleys, plains and fissures. And how many adjectives can be found in one cubic metre.

If I were an earthworm, the ground would be my atmosphere.
If I were a fish, the water would be my atmosphere.
If I were a written word, the text would be my atmosphere.
Text or paper? Text or screen? Text or sand every now and then washed by reckless waves?