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Why extreme?
This can make someone anxious. Someone can think the main aim of such university is to teach extremism. If someone thinks that way, they should think this thought over very carefully, analyze it extremely thoroughly. This is not the Extremist University. Extremist is not the same as extreme. This is extreme university, for the point is the extreme knowledge. Extremely profound and extremely vast. And the extremes of knowledge, too.
Of course, if it was an ordinary University of Economy, we wouldn't have such problems now of course there would be some other problems. Though economy has within itself different extremes, too, all in all it would be quite boring university, while the point here is to have an extremely boring university.
It could be the Electronic University, as well...
In fact it is so, yes, it is just electronic university, so in this very case such name would sound a bit like the Academic University, a name that makes not much sense.

It could be the Ecstatic University (or the University of Ecstasy), as well...
But it is ecstatic, indeed. At least partially. At least to some extent. It is known that entering a new situation is related to the fast heartbeat. For some less, for the others more. The extremes can not be excluded, either: there always is someone whose pulse will not be even one point faster, and there always can be found someone who will suffer heart attack or serious stroke.

It could be the Elegant University (or the University of Elegance), as well...
It means, it could be more elegant than it already is. When something is elegant, it always can be more elegant. This is what they say. Well, and when something is absolutely extremely elegant, can it be more elegant then? Of course, it can, provided that we change the criteria of elegance. In fact we used to make it so very often, almost everyday, and that is why we keep arguing and quarreling all the time, endlessly... These problems are very interesting and with no doubt they should be taken very seriously, no matter how trifle they seem.

It could be the Enchanted University (or the University of Enchantment)...
Oh yes! Would it sound seriously? I do hope more seriously than the Magic University (or the University of Magic), although people would think it is exactly opposite – people love magic and are convinced and sure that magic is more serious than science yet they will not say it aloud. They would say it's unfair and simply stupid to study scientifically the possibilities of making seven miles long steps. And they would be right. Because this is just the point.

It could be the Extravagant University...
Maybe it could, but I can't see anything extravagant in any features of this university. So it can't be extravagant, because it is not.

It could be the Experimental University (or the University of Experiments – but it's not the same: a very traditional university can make a lot of experiments and can study the nature of an experiment, while an experimental university can pay no attention to the problem of experimenting)...
As above, I can't see anything experimental in founding a university. But with no doubt they will speak about an experimental programme, experimental form of lecturing, experimental exams and marks. And so on. Let them speak if they like. Different things can be spoken, however it is a mistake to think that everything can be spoken. Not everything can be spoken. Luckily. Not everything can be written. Also luckily. So, there are two lucks altogether.

It could be the Eliminating University...
Definitely yes. Because it will eliminate. Yes, it will.

It could be the Exterminating University (or the University of Extermination)...
Yes. Although it will be less exterminating than eliminating. Let's hope.

It could be the Essential University...

It could be the Ecumenical University...
With no doubt. Yes. Of course it would be the extreme ecumenism (or genuine), meaning to eliminate all differences between religions (or ideologies), or making all religions equal in their rights, aspirations, expectations, or in fact eliminating them all.

It could be the Embryonic University...
In fact it is embryonic. It is just being founded and organized – it is in embryonic state (and sited in the state which also is in embryonic state, in embryonic stage of development). And I'm afraid it's going to be in such a state for ever. So it could be the Neotenic University, but it can't since
neoteny begins with n.
It could be the Eclectic University (or the University of Eclecticism)...
But it won't be, although I will not deny that the EU has a dash of eclecticism. There are no things pure stylistically. There is nothing like pureness of styles – styles can not be pure... Well, maybe in an extreme case... No, not even in the extreme case. Because then we can only approach extremely closely to the pure style, but we will never achieve it. Also because nobody would be able to say what a pure style does really mean and what is the point of stylistic pureness.

It could be the Ecological University (or the University of Ecology – well, I don't think so)...
It could, but now everything is ecological, what means nothing is really so. It seems the EU does not need paper, however it needs a lot of other things – if it really was to be ecological it wouldn't exist at all.

It could be the Endemic University...
Yes. Oh, yes. With no doubt. I don't think such a university could be founded (and invented) anywhere beyond Liberland. A convenient and fertile soil, good climate for planting and growing such things are only here. We must remember that the conditions have been changing all the time and ceaselessly, so one day in some other sites EUs will begin to appear. Or this only one will disappear.

It could be the Elementary University...
It looks like a contradiction. Elementary things are being learnt in elementary school, or in the beginning of long educational process. University is the last stage of this process. It looks like that and it seems so. These assumptions are the result of a paradox which most probably can't be overcome. The most simple things, the basic and elementary ones, are the most difficult, so it should not be surprising they are taught at the end (if ever and if there is something like the end of education – this is the reason why the EU does not give any diplomas and confers no titles). For example: a question
what is the nature of silence and of sound? is asked only at master classes of music (if ever), never at the first lesson, while it should be the starting point, shouldn't it? - but how can we expect a kid understands the nature of silence and of a sound emerging out of it? The similar situation we face in the case of writing: how can we discuss with a child scribbling clumsily flimsy letters the differences between written and spoken languages – but... who knows? maybe it could be even easier...

Not to make this list endless, it should be stated, that all the propositions just proposed and those which will not be proposed, form the extremeness of this university; maybe they could be taken as proposed faculties, but they will not be taken as such – the Extreme University will have other faculties. 
At last, it's worth mentioning that studying at the EU is extremely simple. If you read this text it means you have just joined the EU. The next step is to chose the faculty, and off you go! There are no semesters so you can begin or stop to study in any moment.

Dear Student. Remember! Your situation is extremely difficult: here you are the one who decide of everything. If you feel it's enough, you are tired and exhausted and can't go on, just close the browser. Extremely difficult situations have extremely simply solutions.