What is the difference between cables and other long things and beings?

Now we should describe a wild vine that wraps the old house porch. It seems so. However it shouldn’t be described. Vine, though it can be very very long and enough thin and even over-supple is something totally different than a twine or cable. First of all it is a living being, active and growing which can be seen, it moves, which can not be seen: for example one day we can see a tendril swinging in the wind below the bar of the railing, and the next day this tendril has already caught the bar and is wound around it. Besides, even if the vine entwine something it never entwine itself, never tangle senselessly and maliciously, never ties any knots, makes no skeins, coils and snarls. This is really something different.

There is a certain reason why we have recalled the vine. There is no doubt the vine is a living being. There is doubt a cable is a living being. This doubt is the electric current running through a cable. The electric current is the energy, and the energy is life. No, it’s a bit different: every life is a form of energy – not every form of energy is life. Is the electric current a form of life or is it not?

Cables differ from other things and beings on that we don’t know what they are. Are they alive or are they dead. Are they both alive and dead. Are they neither alive nor dead.
