The Statute of Organisation

§ 1
Organisation is registered nowhere, for it needn't be registered anywhere. Organisation is, it does exist, and it's enough.

§ 2
Organisation is everywhere.

§ 3
Because Organisation is everywhere, it works and acts everywhere.

§ 4
Because Organisation is everywhere and acts everywhere, its seat can be everywhere and is everywhere, so giving its address has absolutely no sense and is absolutely unnecessary.

§ 5
The highest and only authorities within Organisation is Organisation itself, however this doesn't mean that Organisation is democratic, because it is not. Organisation has extremely absolutist character and is truly despotic.
As a logic consequence the authorities needn't be elected and they are not. If Organisation is and exists, the authorities are and exist, too. And the power as well.

§ 6
Organisation is interested in everything, and that is why the scope of Organisation's activity is limitless. Any listing is needless.

§ 7
Organisation prefers and favours nobody and nothing. Sometimes it focuses on one thing while neglecting the other one, however this is so because soon it will focus on this other thing and neglect that one. The fact Organisation does everything does not mean it does everything in the same time. Organisation does everything as it likes and wants.

§ 8
Organisation doesn't need to explain and apologize what it does and what it does not. To nobody, even to itself. All controversies, arguments and disputes are resolved by Organisation itself, and it does not ask for any outside judgement.

§ 9
Only those ones who are members of Organisation can belong to it. Those ones who don't belong to Organisation, can't enter it, can't be its members, so they can't belong to it.

§ 10
Organisation is not willing to associate with any other organisations (provided that they exist). Any forms of cooperation, or mutual support, are not and will not be accepted. Everyone for himself and the devil takes the hindmost.

§ 11
Although Organisation is everywhere and does everything, Organisation itself is not everything. Oh, no. And it doesn't want to be everything. Organisation is but Organisation. It's absolutely enough. It's absolutely satisfying.

§ 12
This Statute has neither legislative, nor causative powers. It has to be neither accepted nor observed. It has to be consistent with nothing. It has to be respected by nobody, by Organisation either. It is as if it were not. However, if it is, let it be, for it disturbs nobody, Organisation either.

§ 13
Because this statute is of no significance and importance at all, and nothing would happen if it were not, it has no sense to write more clauses. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that this very clause is the last one. The statue has an open form and in any moment can be continued: something can be added and something can be as easily erased. The statute is changing, meaning if there is a need or if there is a will or if there is a fancy or if there is a whim, the statue can be changed.
The fact the 13th clause of this statute is the last one that has been written does not mean Organisation is superstitious. A bit different division of this text would give a different number of clauses. Well, Organisation likes order, however it does not love an absolute, a perfect order. Too many regulations, demands, warnings, dependencies, guidelines and indications can really paralyse, and very often can cause chaos instead order – paradoxically, what is absolutely logical inside, often is chaotic and messy and illogical outside, at least looks so.

§ 14
Nevertheless, to avoid any bad luck we add one clause, which is to confirm only that it's enough so far.