The situation is dramatic.
I don't know how to write dramas
and I have to write one, because just a drama has come to my mind. It is to be quite normal drama, just a play, maybe a very tragic comedy, with actors having their parts, with dramatis personae. Well, with everything that is necessary to let drama be a drama. Luckily this drama is not intended for a stage – for a typical, normal, classical theatre stage with a curtain and wings, with cardboard or paper props. Everything shall be taking place in natural surroundings. Yes, I know, I won't let stage designers earn money, nor any staff. Yes, I know. Nor I will employ any composers - I presume the presence of only natural, ordinary sounds which will appear as a result of natural sequence of events, never predicted, never planned, maybe only provoked the same way as we produce various noises walking. Sound engineers won't earn money, either, although this is not sure: it may happen somebody brings a personal sound system to shout down the others; however this can not be anticipated in the very beginning. Nor in the middle. Nor in the end. So, it looks like the writer will not earn money, either, for his role is to provoke, to cue, to throw a stone that will cause an avalanche. Probably the actors will not earn, either, because they will not be necessary – nobody will pretend, nobody will act, nobody will disguise, all participants will be themselves and they will not even know they take part in a drama, although the events can be really very dramatic. The drama of writing a drama is not a point here, since it is nothing compared with the real ongoing drama...

the situation is less dramatic
than it was a few days ago. Although it only seems so. It's just a special effect. It was snowing a little and now it's white all around. Just a little white. Because when it is neither green, nor gold, nor white here, it's dirty and hideous. Hideousness rules, hideousness is the king. And a concrete fence is the emperor... This doesn't mean my drama will take place just then, when it is neither green, nor gold, nor white, when it is cold, wet, foggy and filthy. It should be a warm, long, bright day. It could be an evening as well, a long summer evening not willingly transforming into a night. In fact, it could be also a night. Well, any part of a day will suit. This drama will be lasting quite long, maybe even many days and many nights. So a part of a day is not important. The temperature is important - I don't like to freeze. Probably nobody likes trembling and teeth chattering. I think cold is not so good for intriguing – intrigues don't feel fine when it's cold, they stiffen too much and don't tangle enough. But maybe I'm wrong. Doesn't matter... And if the time is not important, so is the place. Unless there's a concrete fence. The pattern of the fence is not important, either. Each one will suit, because each one is devastating. Although more devastating would be a concrete fence painted with vivid, bright, almost phosphorescent colours: green-red-white-blue (the names can be troublesome – it is clear that tones and shades decide whether this or that combination is admirable and delighting or hideous and disgusting – well, there's no need to complain, nor to make any attempts to define the colours according to the Pantone scale – we have to trust the ubiquitous lack of taste) or just brown-white. Oh, we shouldn't be so picky. The action will go from place to place and each act can be played at different fence. The choice seems limitless. (Luckily it only seems so – the imagination is limited not only by the limited imagination of the audience). Is there really a need to move all the time all around? But staying fixed in one place like a fence picket (the metaphor valid only when referring to a wooden paling fence – it doesn't work in the case of concrete fence doesn't matter how precisely and virtuoso it will imitate the wooden pickets) is not a good idea, too...

will acts-and-scenes system
be justified in this very case?
the props will not be changed, unless
they are destroyed what would be with no doubt a part of the drama – the supposed change would be rather the result of moving the entire action to another place, smooth and continuous moving and not just skipping – and how about the scenes? all the time somebody will come and go, so the scenes will get mixed and messed up, will overlap each other, collide, and do we really need additional chaos? and all these coming-in-and-going-out would happen without any control, just any time, when somebody would only like and such any-timeness would be strictly limited by the absolutely unpredictable plot...

It is warm and mild. As it is often said: nothing indicates a storm – gusts of wind, dark blue heavy clouds, throbbing thunders, lightnings tearing the sky into pieces, splashing rain, these are the things that surely will not come to one's head right now. Only a little bit of sultriness may threaten, or makes somebody slightly anxious. Probably only those who suffer some problems with their hearts or blood pressure may feel this sultriness, the other ones won't notice it. In front of a concrete fence, which is averagely hideous and this averageness makes its hideousness invisible, and due to this more dangerous for the poor remnants of aesthetic sensitivity hidden somewhere in the corners of average minds, people begin to gather. It's hard to say whether they are actors or audience. I'm afraid it will not be clear till the very end. In fact it is not clear since the very beginning – an actor is also a spectator, you can't deny that an actor also watches the performance he takes part in; while a spectator is, to some extent, an actor – here, we can say, to very large extent.

It is also not clear
 what time the drama will begin.
 It means: if somebody comes in this very moment, then the drama will begin, for him or her, just in that very moment; if somebody comes two hours later, the show will begin just then; and if somebody comes next day, the show will start next day, provided that it is not finished already, what is very difficult to predict; right now, at the beginning of my work, the ending time it much less clear than the beginning time. With no doubt the drama will be quite long, although I can not exclude a very violent, abrupt, almost or literally explosive ending, or end explosion.

People gathering at the fence belong to the Wooden Fence Lovers Association. At first nobody can guess it because the woofeloes do not differ at all from the members of many other associations and societies. But maybe they differ somehow from those belonging to the Concrete Fence Lovers Association (nothing is known whether they founded any association – maybe they will do it very soon). The cofeloes shouldn't be mistaken with cofepoes (or the possessors of concrete fences) who shouldn't be identified as cofeproes (or the producers of concrete fences), although it can happen that somebody is both, a possessor is a producer or vice versa. All combinations are acceptable. Even the most extreme combinations should be thought about; what seems for us extreme and absolutely impossible, is something normal, ordinary and not surprising for life.

kind of situation, or chaotic swarming
slowly begins to reveal its reasons. Statements having the power of slogans emerge from the cacophony of conversations. They are louder and louder, turn into shouts and shrieks. Some vowels are pronounced long enough to transform themselves into howling, though this wailing and moaning are not yet full of aggression and rage, are empty of demolishing despair. It may happen that above their heads, or on the fence, a banner will be spread: OFF WITH CONCRETE FENCES! or something more harsh: HIDEOUS CONCRETE FENCES – FUCK OFF! Alas, the letters are as hideous as concrete fences, but nobody seems to notice that. Maybe somebody will make the most of it. There are more and more individual speeches and utterances. People call for something. To destroy and knock down something. To replace something with something else. To build and construct this instead of that. Speeches similar to lectures can be heard, too, however it's not easy – open space is not a soundbox, a resonating chamber, same as the university auditorium. And the argumentation and reasoning quite poor and not convincing. Why a wooden fence with cripple pickets and warped boards is to be fine or even beautiful, while a concrete plate, a few centimetres thick, having quite precise details, pretending both a solid, strong, thick, rustic wall made of broken stones and round, bulbous balusters with waspy waists, is to be hideous? That's the point, that's how it is: obvious things are the most difficult to be explained... And why this should be so obvious? At first it should be explained what beauty and hideousness are. And maybe there will be enough time to do so. It has just turned out, there's but silence on the other side of the fence. No symptoms of life. No swarming. Nothing. No dog barking. No cat miaowing. No mouse squeaking. No birds chirping. A horrifying silence. Makes you feel ill at ease. Shiver. Uncomfortable. What can be done? Has talking in vain any sense? In front of the speaker there are people who heard many times what he or she is going to tell, and this one time more can be a spark causing explosion and they will rush frantically and demolish wooden fences making huge stake of broken boards to burn themselves down suicidally unable to accept the victory of concrete imitations....
And then,
 quite surprisingly,
 out from there, from beyond the hill
 or from beyond the corner, it depends on the shape of the road or the street, a big lump, a giant clod of mud on wheels, almost a monster-mud-truck emerges. It moves slowly and silently, though it could go fast and roaringly, as if afraid of getting cracked and breaking into pieces, turning into dust. It stops with hesitation keeping the distance that can be defined as safe, or disabling the crowd to attack it directly. A moment of suspension. Of both tension and flat-tyreness. Dread and relief. Suddenly the lump of mud cracks. The owner of the concrete fence jumps out of it. He himself is also dirty and covered with mud. With a help from a few friends (nothing is know what kind of fences they possess, if any – they are also covered with mud what indicates they have taken part in an expedition together) he takes the gate by storm. Now he is on the other side. The surprised and offended crowd is swaying. But the crowd is also a little delighted, although not that much as the owner of the estate under siege. He is a great lover, an real enthusiast of laying siege to old castles – the crowd knows nothing about it, the crowd doesn't know either that the fence so much desired to be knocked down is a result of great compromise: his wife is a supporter of chain-link fences (we will not tell you why, you don't have to put your nose into somebody's business) while her husband imagined around the house, already possessing two fat, stocky defensive towers, a powerful, thick, stone wall with merlons, crenels, machicolations, buttresses, parapets and whatever, maybe also some ramparts and at least a kind of moat (he is the vice-president of the Fortification Lovers Association – so he's a folovass) – finally they agreed to put concrete panels pretending a rustic wall at the bottom and a chain-link, or rather treillage, trellis, kind of latticework considering the thickness of “wires”, at the top. Now he's had a unique chance to transform, at least in his imagination, this rickety fence into a powerful fortification – maybe even to blow it up later as a frenetic act of heroic defence, thus proving its weakness and uselessness, as well as the necessity to build real fortification.
Now the drama
is speeding up.
Events are galloping.
Atrocities keep multiplying.
Boiling water and hot tar are being
poured on the yelling crowd. Arrows are raining. Lectures, warnings, appeals, analyses disappear in increasing tumult. Look, reinforcements are coming! Is it true? That's a kind of levy in mass of the Concrete Fence Producers Association. They are followed by the regular army of the cement producers supported by stone miners, bulldozer and excavator operators. Who are followed by the producers of these excavators, by the engineers and designers, by those who feed and dress and cure them, and so on and on, up to the horizon... While from the other side the brigades and platoons of carpenters, joiners, woodcutters, lumberjacks followed by the divisions and corps of the producers of axes, saws, hammers, nails and pliers... And so on and on up to the horizon... I will not tell you what kind of arguments they are armed with, not to get your cheeks too pale and your blood too dense threatening with various strokes and vein destructions. But when seventeen quarrel, an eighteenth wins. Quite unexpectedly a group of chain-link supporters appear on the stage (guess whose doing this might be?). They are shouting that their fences are the best because almost invisible, covering nothing. But nobody listen to them, even they don't listen and hear themselves. They (who are they?) push aside, knock down and trample the supporters of the compromise who keep trying to convince that a fence can be combination of concrete, wooden and metal elements. They are shouted down by not so numerous yet very loud supporters of living fences who are supported by nobody knows who. With no doubt not by the green – the ecologists toss and turn trying to judge what is more harmful: cutting trees for pickets, grinding hills for cement, tearing away from the earth iron ores or making embankments that transform entirely the landscape...
And so on and on. Up to the collision of civilisations. Up to the war of galaxies. Up to the cosmic catastrophe – what had happened on the fields of Kurukshetra would be but an after match riots comparing to it. And if it was described properly and precisely, then great Vyasa would blush with shame.  