st be an extraordinary, unusual, incredible, unbelievable, one of a kind, particular, weird, never-seen-before ...... The list of adjectives and phrases describing this construction could be endless, however none of these words would characterize it properly. Maybe except for two words: volatile and ephemeral. Maybe. Maybe these words could be the right words, provided that any words can be the proper words; words are never proper, words can only destroy, deform, distort.... OK then, let it be volatile, ephemeral....
Imagine then a huge space truss. As vast as a football pitch. Even more vast. Much bigger. Maybe as big as the meadow I can see right now through the truss of leafless branches and twigs. And a supple one. Not a stiff one. Bending and undulating ....... Well, maybe a stiff one? Whatever it would be like, it would be transparent. Totally transparent, but visible. Clearly visible, so to give us a chance to see all joints, members, crossings. It-is-but-looks-as-if-it-is-not...
Like a flying carpet which has stopped and hovers right above our heads. A flying roof which is hovering, but is not hanging, since there are no ropes, no strings, no invisible threads, nothing like that. It is just HOVERING.
A self-supporting structure. A self-hanging structure. A self-hovering construction. No pillars. No lines. No propellers.
