Only Courier. Nothing else. Nothing but Courier.
So – a dictator.
Absolutely a dictator. An absolute dictator.
But maybe not really cruel, vindictive and merciless. Sometimes something that is not Courier can be found, but this is so to demonstrate the indisputable power which can generously allow to show here or there a bit of differentness just to manifest the “human face” of the dictator and to prove his lack of fear..... We can't exclude a supposition that we have to do not with the calculated performance, but with an ordinary weakness, with gentleness, with an artistic idea, even with a necessity resulting from the natural limitations of Courier. So, not everything, or almost everything, almost almost everything, everything with a few exceptions, wears the Courier couture. Colours, sizes, mixtures, combinations, deformations, backgrounds can be of any kind – shape, couture, must be Courier.
Is it haute or bas?
A young student of fine arts, dressed in a fashionable way, at least in her opinion, was quite surprised and she said: I didn't suppose ordinary Courier can do such things.... Yes. Ordinary Courier is really extraordinary.
Probably neither haute nor bas (it's good to add probably, there is never too much of uncertainty).
Then médiocre or moyen? It means a bit of haute and a bit of bas?
Probably not.
It is rather beside. As if outside. Off such appraisals and evaluations. Off this grade scale. If somebody wants to judge, let them judge. Even the dictator can't forbid appraising, evaluating and judging. But the dictator is absolutely not interested in it. Is interested in something else.
What? What is he interested in? What does interest him so much that he is not interested in what the others think about him?
Probably (there is never too much carefulness in making statements) timelessness is the point. Haute can very quickly turn into bas, what delights people today, tomorrow will make them embarrassed or even disgusted. Such see-saw is not for him. Timelessness, either. He's conscious that his couture is not an archetype of all other coutures, his shape is not a pre-shape. This is not the first, the primordial form being the base for all other shapes and forms. He is aware that his history, his timeness is related with the appearance of a machine, with noisy, scratchy knitting of lines of letters.
So, mediocrity.

Why Courier?
How has Courier succeeded to drive the others out?
Probably thanks to simplicity and ability to join easily and to create endless combinations. The others also have such an ability, however not as strong as Courier. And are not aware of it. Don't know how they can use it.
While Courier knows.
And joins and combines.
Multiplies and iterates combinations.
Only Courier uses modules. Equal modules.
Courier is the only one who focused on modularity.
This is where so many combinations come from.
(There is never too much uncertainty in making opinions.)
