This is the book of books.
Oh, no. This is of books the book. Because this is not a superbook, this is a subbook. Definitely so. That is why it is wrapped tightly with a noble textile of an unknown origin and of really exquisite weave. This weave is very special and unique, for it is to protect of books the book against any undesired look – looks can be so penetrating, that even a thick textile can not cover what is hidden under, and this would mean an extreme danger for of books the book.
This is one option. There is another: the book is wrapped in many sheets of paper, some people maintain the number of them is infinite, which can be the result of too great enthusiasm and redundant fascination – if we begin counting from the book itself then the wrapping should fill the entire universe, provided the universe is infinite; if we begin counting in the opposite direction regarding as the first one not the sheet touching the book but the sheet on the surface, the most external one, then the book should be infinitely small, which makes the variant extremely interesting, though maybe not possible – the book should be smaller the a quark, should be an antibook made of antimatter, or at least get rid of physicality and become a pure idea, for ideas seem to have no limits in any direction… Each sheet would be a bit bigger than the previous one to wrap the whole package growing and growing. On each sheet a text. Each text different to make the letters, in case of any transparency of paper, overlap one another, mix and interlace, to imprison the eyesight in the dense net like a body gets stuck in the thicket of branches and twigs. Of course every next stratum could be unwrap only when the text on the former one, already spread, would be read – no short-cuts, no skips… Yes, the second option is very interesting. However the most interesting is the content of of books the book.
Of books the book contains the explanation of everything. Not the theory of everything, but the explanation. This is a great, basic, fundamental difference. A theory is a supposition, approaching the truth, an approximation, and it needs to be proved; it can be changed, rejected, improved… While an explanation is ultimate, complete, definite; it does not hesitate. It says how it is and why it is so.
This is what we should expect. We will not expect of books the book is a pulp fiction, although we should be astonished that just a piece of pulp fiction would turn out to be The Explanation of Everything.
If you get of books the book from the whirl of pleats, crinkles and folds, if your look will be the desired one, you must remember that opening the book can have dramatic consequences. It has been printed with a special ink which has a unique property: once a word has been read it disappears for ever. So you must remember everything at once because you will not be able to come back to the read text for it will not be there in of books the book.
To read or not to read? What a question!
What a loss for mankind it would be if of books the book were in my hands and in front of my eyes – with no doubt I would read it, would be delighted or not, and would forget, as usually, what I read. I would remember only my rapture, the state of delight I was in while reading. Would this suffice? Would this satisfy us?
