If one
picture can say more than one thousand words assuming this
one thousand words describes what this very picture
presents, and this very picture presents what this
very thousand words describes – this assumption is
quite risky, since both description and picture,
describing and showing the same, for example a view
from the window, will never cover each other
entirely, some areas of this view will stay
indescribable for ever, while the picture will never
show some invisible parts or strata or aspects of
the view – so, the text will describe what the
picture will not show, while the picture will show
what the text will not describe, so describing and
showing the same they will show and describe not the
same, something else, which means also at
least one thousand words must be used to describe
what one picture can show repeating the
previous assumptions, then how many words
must be used to describe what music can describe?
None. Music can not be described, nor words can not describe what music can. This is really interesting: everything can be described except for music. This is the reason why Radio Liberland is silent. The Mute Radio. Radio – what is it? Radio is speech and music. Music can not be exchange with words though words themselves can be music, to certain extent, even those written ones, maybe even more those written ones than spoken ones – however they can not be considered a score, no! a score is not music, in spite of appearances. Talking and chatting, although the majority would consider them the other side of writing, with no doubt this is not the other side of writing. Talking is just a line parallel to the plane of writing. The other worlds, the other spaces. Parallel worlds. Let them be so. |