Why do cables get tangled?

This question, so easy it may seem, is not easy at all, and if it is not easy it requires the profound analysis, and right now, to avoid further complications which will ensue with no doubt, because everything is being tangled, contrary situation is impossible.

Asking why? we refer to a reason. This is a very important question, because an answer will not only meet our curiosity, but will be of practical significance, provided that this is the point, this is what we expect – it might happen this is not the point for we expect nothing. Because learning the reasons of cable tangling we will be able to avoid this arduousness. At least we are convinced it is so – is it really so it must be verified.

Defining cable should be considered superfluous. While it is necessary to say cables are not the only point. Under consideration are many cable-like things: wires, threads, strings, stems, snakes, ribbons, stripes, chains . . . . . . . . While lines and strokes will not be under consideration. Lines and strokes never get tangled since they are abstract entities, although they can exist physically, for example drawn or painted on paper, they are absolutely dependent on our will, yes, they never tangle themselves, they are always tangled by us, and this entanglement is not real, it is deceptive, simulated, hence none.

What does cables get tangled for?

Of course we shouldn’t ask but we do, because this is what interests us the most. First of all we are interested in teleology. The purposefulness. And the question what for is the question about purpose. The purpose question contains the reason question – or the answer: the purpose is the reason. The purpose is so important because it makes our, and not only ours, actions senseful. Nothing is as upsetting and depressing as senselessness.

This can be a bit surprising that the general purposelessness of existence consists of plenty of small purposefulnesses, of many aims. This would once more confirm the supposition that the whole not necessarily is the sum of parts it is composed of (of course it is, it can’t be not, it can’t be a quotient, a product, nor a difference), but a different quality, different than its parts, though these parts can have a part of the whole’s quality. Some people, in fact quite a lot, really a lot, an overwhelming majority overcome this unpleasant situation very easily: they maintain that existence has an aim, a purpose which is beyond our comprehension. That’s it. Case closed. It’s but an illusion, no doubt, yet this illusion can not be neglected, despised or rejected. However we do reject it here and now, and we don’t feel worse because of that, maybe even a bit better, for we do not let this illusion cheat us, and cheating is the very nature of illusions.

For example: what am I writing this text (which itself has absolutely no sense) for? I am writing it to be read by somebody. This is one of possible answers. There are many answers and I choose one of them and I feel better at once, my life makes sense now, doesn’t matter that this sense has no sense.

And if I ask: why am I writing this text? I am writing this text because my hand itches (as they say in the nearest beyond-screen country). This is one of many possible answers. I choose one but I don’t feel better. Well, I will write it and my hand will stop itching, but only for a short while. But itching is not the point – compulsion, must, is the point. That’s it. Why does compel while what for does not.

It’s quite easy to answer these questions in case of cables.

Cables get tangled to brighten our life or to make it disgusting. Which sometimes is the same. With no doubt it makes our live more exciting, although sometimes we would like it to be more boring.

All this doesn’t prove our vainglory – we made cables and we made them to serve us, so the answer is clear.

It is opposite in case of cable-like things. They used to get tangled when we were not here, get tangled when we are here, and will get tangled when we will not be here any more. Would it be justified to ask: whose life do they want to make nicer or more disgusting?

Alas, we’re afraid these cases should be analysed separately, each very long thing uniquely, because reasons and purposes can be different, sometimes totally and surprisingly different, which would complicate this problem even more, so much more here we will give only a few examples, but not now, maybe later.
