What is stupidity for

This question, if it is a question, there is no question mark, seems absolutely not needed.

Stupidity is. It exists. It just is. Mountains are. They just are. They exist. That’s it. Mountains are and nobody asks what they are for, whether they are needed or not. However we should not hide the fact that quite a lot of us, not being asked, would willingly say mountains are to make us climb them or ski them down.

The air is, too. It exists. We breathe with the air. The air is not to make us breathe. Our breathing is not the reason of air’s existence. Yet we can’t deny the fact we need it. The air could be not, but it is, and if it is, it can be used. Everything that is has a function and everything is used and needed by someone or something, although itself, as it is, it is needed by nobody and nothing.

Stupidity is like air. It is. It just is, it exists. Nobody knows what it is for, and there is no need to ask, but if it is, it can be used for something. Stupidity is like air and we breathe with it. We would suffocate if there were no stupidity.

A scooter is, too. It exists nevertheless in a different way. It’s hard to say a scooter just is. Being of a scooter is slightly different than being of the air.

A scooter let us move faster, and it was made just for this purpose (though we can paint it black or blue or any other colour and hang on the wall to admire as a mysterious hieroglyph of an extraterrestrial civilisation) but it is dangerous, unstable, topplable. A scooter let us take over those who don’t posses scooters. A scooter gives us the advantage over the other, makes us a bit superior.

Wisdom let us think faster and take the others over, so it makes the wise superior (though it can be admired and contemplated for the beauty of reasoning and thrilling game of words, for an intellectual aroma) but it is dangerous, unstable and subversive.

We should strive to wisdom. Yet we don’t do that.

All people want to have scooters and be faster than the others, but not all people want to be wiser. Well, it’s easier to get a scooter than to get wise.

It never is like it should be.

This is stupidity that makes us superior. It is stable and safe. The stupid live better than the wise. We need stupidity because it gives advantage over the wise who think they are superior. The wise think and imagine various things while the stupid know what they know and this is enough to live better life and be more successful.

If wisdom really makes us superior, then the stupid would be extinct long time ago, while they are more and more numerous. They multiply and multiply. They are multiplied and multiplied. Without necessity. Which should not be done. But one should know about it.
