Is Liberland stupid, and if so - why?

If the world is stupid, or at least it driving at stupidity, then how about Liberland? Is it stupid? Is it aiming at stupidity? Or maybe it is an island of wisdom in the ocean of world's stupidity?

The system looks very stable. Well organized. Well ordered. Clean and neat. Each screen composed carefully. Each element of it well thought out However the number of these carefully composed screens and meticulously chosen elements has been increasing. Slowly but steadily. The number of links has also been increasing. The network is more and more complex tangled, easy to get lost in it. Like in the case of a city. It's hard to get lost in a small town. Does this mean that the level of disorder is higher in a big city than in a small one? Rather not. A small pocket dictionary is as ordered as a great dictionary which can not be put into the biggest pocket, and even if it could it would inevitably get it torn off due to its weight. Great Liberland is not less ordered, less organized than the small one – the level of order is the same, all these clear and strict rules are observed, nevertheless it gives an impression of greater and greater chaos, like a huge dictionary seems more complicated because due to the huge number of entries, examples and explanations it is more difficult to find a word we look for; in a small dictionary we would probably not find it at all, but due to small number of entries we would not find it much faster than we would find it in a great one.

So, this is the level of orderliness that would show wisdom of Liberland. More, its wisdom would be proven by the energy needed to create and maintain the system so well organised. But here we can face an interesting phenomenon: the more vast is the system, the more energy it needs to keep the same level of order, yet it becomes more chaotic although preserving the same level of order. Would this mean that the bigger Liberland was, the more orderly it should be? And if it can't be more orderly, if it has reached the very top level of orderliness? What will happen then? Getting more stupid inevitably? Unstoppable falling into the abyss of unwisdom? Does it happen right in this way or maybe in another one? When something is too big it must collapse, must disintegrate... Does everything must grow? Does everything strive for being bigger? The majority of small towns keep their size. Some of them get even smaller. When they shrink, when the number of houses, streets and squares decreases, do they become more orderly? No, though it's easier to find the way... Until they vanish, disappear, and one won't be able to walk through them. But one will be able to walk through the space they occupied and which is free now.

This is very complicated and doesn't get us closer to the answer.

It's not like that anything well organized is at once wise, while anything chaotic is stupid. It is known that order can be in fact more chaotic than chaos is (then we face a fake, ostensible order), like chaos can be better organized than order (then we face a fake, ostensible chaos). More, stupidity likes to camouflage itself, then it takes a form well organized that needs quite a lot of energy to be generated and maintained. While wisdom likes to imitate stupidity – it's not easy to imitate gibberish and nonsense; imitated gibbering is more difficult than natural one and huge effort is needed to produce it.

Now everything is even more complicated, while we still don't know what to answer. Only one thing seems obvious – sooner or later Liberland will degenerate, which not necessarily means getting stupid, nevertheless a part of degeneration process can be just it. But even if it is so and can't be different, we still don't know if this is wisdom or stupidity that will degenerate. Will Liberland inevitable move from wisdom to stupidity, or from stupidity to bigger stupidity? All intermediate stages should be taken into consideration as well.

If we don't know whether Liberland is stupid or is not, we can't answer the second part of the question: why it is (or is not) stupid.

But we could try to answer the question why we don't know this. This question is extremely interesting. And we can make it even more attractive turning it into a general one: How does it happen it is so difficult to judge if what we do is stupid or wise? Why don't we know whether we are wise or stupid?
