A room full of cables

Well, if what’s going on with a huge suitcase (or a trunk) and everything inside it we consider a static research, then what’s going on with a room and everything in it we should consider a dynamic research.

The basic difference is that a suitcase contains cables and wires (with plugs), while a room contains various electric devices. And these devices are being constantly and ceaselessly connected and disconnected and toggled and switched on and off. And brought in and out. And reordered. Added and removed. So, all the time new devices will appear, the ones that haven’t been in the room, and old devices will disappear, the ones that have already been in the room. Putting it in two words only: constant motion. In one word only: whirling.

We in the very centre of this whirl. We like a cyclone’s eye. We look at everything, we see everything, we keep observing constantly. Follow. Record. Document...

Anything more can be added?

