
Methods are very important. Results of researches and studies depend on methods that have been applied. This banal statement is based on a banal observation, and no unrevealed entanglements should be sought in it, though we must be always on the alert. It’s well known everything is tangled, and if everything so is simplicity.

How can we do the research work?

In every possible and impossible way. Especially the impossible ways are recommended, for they are much more tangled than the possible ones, which gives them some advantage and make the results more tangled hence more reliable.

Who can do the research work?


And who can not?

Certainly everybody. It might seem this simple division: the simple – the tangled (confused), could have sense, because the confused (tangled) can comprehend this madness more easily being immersed in it themselves, however this may be the main obstacle because being all the time inside they can not see it from outside, while the situation of the simple is reversed, nevertheless the criteria of such division would be so unclear, smudged and tangled that the division would have no sense at all, so this idea must be rejected at once or even earlier.

Where should we do the research work?

Everywhere. In any place it is possible and impossible. Nowhere as well.

When should we do the research work?

At any time of the day and of the night. Being both awaken and asleep. At any time of the year.

And so on.

Let’s take one method which seems very good, better than the others, not only because they are rather unknown, or known very little, or they are hardly acceptable like all digital and literal models and simulations. More, this method is the best, not only because we know nothing about any better one and don’t want to know, don’t know how to find it and don’t look for it, what should we look for it for if it is not better than this one?


Yes, it looks like observation is absolutely the best.

Observation can be passive or active.

In case of passive observation we do nothing, we just stare.

In case of active observation we do something and we go on observing what is happening after.

Active observation can be conscious or unconscious, aware or unaware. Or half-conscious. Or nor fully conscious. Or we can be unaware of its consciousness. And so on. We won’t list all intermediate and in-between states.

Active and aware observation can be a provocation. We do something deliberately to make something happen and we observe it. There are various kinds of provocations – experiment is one of them.

Active and unaware observation can be a normal action. We have to do something due to circumstances or daily routine. Usually something is happening then, and usually we are not observing it. Now we will.

And so on.

Let us not forget observation is but observation, and it is something else than what is being observed. Plenty of things we can be seeing, we can imagine, we can be deluded, and then we will be observing what does not exist, does not happen – which doesn’t make the observation useless, disqualified. No! These observations are very valuable. Let us not forget the mind is but a tangle of cables, and the head but an old (or new) suitcase (trunk).
