D  R  E  A  M  C  O  R  D  E  R

modest, not freaky, absolutely ordinary scientist, who with no problem could hide in a grey crowd of faceless people, in a modest, small, not distant beyond-fence and beyond-screen country, built a device to record dreams. A device had no name, but to make things easier we can call it a dreamcorder although this word is not adequate at all, but it is nice. So, the dreamcorder was not perfect – in spite of its name it couldn’t record dreams to watch and analyse them later. Maybe it should be called a dreampeeper, but this name, although more adequate, is not as nice as the former one. It is not known why the scientist desired at first to learn what a cow was dreaming. A modest man usually doesn’t reveal his secrets and emotions. It should not be supposed that this choice was a result of complex processes and premises. A cause can be accidental as well, and a decision spontaneous: a cow was just close at hand. If it was so, another question appears: why the scientist was near the cow, why the cow approached the scientist? Was the scientist with his device on a meadow or in a cowshed (maybe he was on vacation in the country, not only with his family, but also with the prototype of his device, for he simply could not get rid of it despite constant complaining of his wife or maybe just because of that) or maybe the cow, nobody knows how, got into the laboratory and fall asleep there. Most probably we will never learn it – an old film shown decades ago, now forgotten, hidden somewhere or lost, is the only source of information. Anyway, the cow revealed another shortcoming of the device: though it couldn’t record a dream, it could materialise it, or at least some of its elements. The cow was dreaming an attack of furious flies – it was waging the tail like mad trying to drive the nasty abominable insects away, even jumping and kicking with the hind legs. The scientist switched off the device very satisfied – the experiment was successful – and he noticed everywhere around him plenty of buzzing, angry flies. However, he didn’t think it was a side effect materialisation, rather blamed the stifling afternoon. If he did, he wouldn’t do what he did after. He connected his sleeping wife to the device (we don’t know, again, whether with or without her knowledge), then Superman appeared in their modest flat (the scientist was modest, Nobel Prize was way ahead before him, although if he settled for the cow, he would get it). Or Superwoman – if the wife connected her husband, why not? We don’t know what happened later.

This is not important. The scientist, his wife, Superman, the cow and flies had disappeared long time ago. Maybe the sequence of events was different, the whole history was different – memory is not a reliable device. The idea itself is important. Very important. It hasn’t disappeared and it’s worth developing. In the beyond-fence and beyond-screen countries and lands there are many beautiful and forgotten ideas that can and should be developed.

A dreamcorder is a device that everybody should possess. Too many beautiful dreams are lost and too many beautiful books, concerts, songs, pictures, lands, theories, inventions are lost with them... There are a lot of nightmares everybody would like to forget immediately, never watch them, never take part in them. In fact a lot doesn’t mean many. The overwhelming majority of them is just rubbish, gibberish, yet even in debris one could find many a nice idea rejected accidentally.

Traditional dream-catchers are not the point – even if they catch dreams, the caught dreams can’t be watched. We simply don’t know what has been caught... but if this big mesh net is replaced with a screen... A dream-peeper would be a real progress when compared to dream-catchers. Then the next step should be made. And it would be a small step, if any technical documentation was preserved, but nothing has been preserved, not even a word was spoken in the film concerning the construction of the device, we could see it from a distance, no details were shown. Thus a challenge we face now is really huge.
