Do cables get tangled or are being tangled?

This distinction is illusory. Cables are being tangled always. By somebody or by something. We will not try to make a list. Maybe later we will come, or tangle, to conclusion such a list is necessary and interesting enough to make it. Right now we can confirm without hesitation cables will be in this list. The statement cables get tangled is but a slightly different version of cables are being tangled by cables which is just another version of cables tangle cables.

This is theory. Or rather logic. Praxis, or rather intuition, is different, opposite. In reality the statement cables get tangled takes us to the sphere of profound mystery. We at once think of a secret life of cables, of a world absolutely unknown to us, shocking, exotic, which is not under our control, and we would like to have everything under our control. The existence of a mysterious force fire our imagination. Revealing this force, and acknowledging cables themselves are this force extinguishes the imagination, turns it into ashes. While it should be the other way round. The statement that cables tangle cables has far reaching consequences, so far that the end can not be seen. An abyss opens, and we don’t like abysses – how can we research and explore abysses?

A very short lecture, indeed. Too short. But it has provoked another question:
can short things get tangled?
and this question make us define the limits of both shortness and longness or the threshold of tangling...
