How to avoid tangling

Everybody knows the coiled cables do not tangle.

To avoid tangling cables should be coiled tightly.

Everybody knows to connect cables they should be uncoiled. If not entirely, at least partially.

The uncoiled cables tangle willingly. The more tightly cables were coiled the more willingly they tangle.

It seems the best to keep cables straightened. The straightened cables need a lot of space while the coiled cables need much less space.

This is the next entanglement to untangle.

This is the next entanglement nonuntanglable.

It is known rigid cables tangle less than the supple ones. Reinforcement rods don’t tangle at all, though when they have been thrown down pell-mell instead of stacked neatly they can get jumbled really nastily. But jumbling is something different than tangling.

The more rigid cables are, the less they tangle. Rigid cables that can’t be bent are almost useless, at least at home in daily life, and they generate the next mental entanglement to untangle.

Any attempt to avoid tangling will end in failure. We might as well try to cure fish of swimming.

This lecture has no sense like a lecture on how to wean fish off swimming.
