Area of studies

We are not interested in knotting. We are interesting in tangling.

That’s why we will not deal with ties, bows and bow ties, nor with any knots tied specially and consciously, deliberately and on purpose (for example sailor’s knots).

We will not deal with any knots tied and knotted using members (hands, legs, paws), beaks and muzzles or any other tools.

We will deal neither with imagery, nor semantics, not aesthetics of knots.

Of course, if a skein is beautiful, we will pay attention to its beauty, but it must be a skein, a tangle, not a knot.

We will not analyse knot writing systems, nor we will try to create a knot system of recording and preserving data.

We will not analyse technical aspects of knotting. We will not cudgel our brains how a given knot has been knotted.

We will not analyse the functions of knots. The problem of functionality will not bother us. We will not ask whether a knot is in a right place, if it is necessary, why of this kind and not the other one.

We will not extend the typology of knots, we will not try to find new types, kinds, varieties.

Knots will not interest us – let alone projecting the real knots on a flat plane. The mathematical theory of knots will not excite us at all, it will make us perfectly indifferent.

While the physical theory of knots will touch us slightly and our indifference will not be absolute and perfect.

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More will be added when found.

Besides, nobody in their right mind ties cables. Cables used to be connected with plugs, not with knots.

So, let’s repeat boldly:

