The working principle of a molecular washing machine is extremely simple: what we want to wash is decomposed into single molecules, the molecules of dirt are separated and removed, the clean molecules are recomposed into an object that was to be washed. We do prefer the word decompose to the word break for it suggests an action far more gentle than breaking, besides, what can be decomposed can be recomposed while what has been broken is broken – well, it can be put together again, but it won’t be the same, and the action of breaking is just brutal and disgusting. This is why we don’t speak and write about tearing apart, smashing and mashing, grinding, crashing. Such terms are repelling and discouraging. It’s acceptable to say and write reduce to prime factors, however not indicating what these prime factors are in case of a jumper, shoe, bag, bicycle or vehicle. If these mysterious factors make clients deeply suspicious or bring too many associations with annihilation, we can replace the prime factors with the secondary or tertiary ones.

The given examples of things washed are not sheer fantasy. MWM can wash everything. Even this text. As well as all other texts. The whole Liberland can be washed with no problem. The text would be decomposed into single letters, letters into strokes, loops, bowls, stems, ears, bars, ogoneks... and these prime factors into dots and lines. Dots and lines will not be decomposed because they can be decomposed only into dots and lines which makes no sense.

MWM has neither a specific shape nor size. It has no shape and no size at all. We assume it can take a shape of a thing that is being washed. MWM is, first of all, a process which sometimes, quite rarely, manifests as something similar to a Remoska, although not round – the term amoeboidal Remoska will not be unjustified.

At the end we should tackle the problem of efficiency and reliability. MWM is not an efficient device for it is not a device. Unless we assume a process is a device, or a device can be a process. MWM is extremely efficient process and, to some extent, absolutely reliable. It means: decomposing is reliable and absolute. There are no things that can’t be decomposed. However recomposing is not absolutely reliable. It can happen MWM can give us back something else than we put into it. This doesn’t happen often, but it does. And this is what should be improved. But be careful. A bit of uncertainty and madness can be useful. A lottery can always find its lovers. As well as gambling and risky affairs. It can happen that a wrongly recomposed thing can turn out to be the one we have always been dreaming of. And such possibility can not be eliminated.