It's very simple. Flying is not complicated at all. It's enough to run a few steps, just get some speed, though this is not really necessary, no, even walking would suffice, and one of this steps should be elongated, as if it were the hop in a triple jump, but you should not land.... Yes, that's it: you should not land . . . . . . . . . . . You should stay in the air, hang over the ground . . . . . . You don't need to flap your hands, neither frantically, when imagining a terrible crash, nor softly when imagining to be a bird. You don't need to move your legs imagining that you're running through the air thick as water. You have to imagine nothing. It's enough just not to get down. It's enough just to glide beautifully . . . . . .

Who will do this more beautifully? longer? higher? will look vaster? will see more?