T H I C K E T - C R I C K E T . A  d i s p e r s e d  a n i m a l . Or beast. Of course, it is a beast. Scattered and diffused. A unique beast. Unique but omnipresent so no expensive and logistically complex expeditions are needed to meet it – this will make some people very sad while the others very happy. Uniqueness and omnipresence would suggest the enormous size of the beast, however it is but a supposition since nothing is sure in case of  t h i c r i c k e t . It can be met as easy as hard it can be seen, although it can be heard hardly but almost constantly (nothing is known about smelling). You look at it and you don’t see it. You see a lot of other things and beasts, but you don’t see the  t h i c r i c k e t . You can’t see it because you are inside it which doesn’t mean it has devoured you, swallowed or absorbed. No, it hasn’t. There was no reason to do so. The  t h i c r i c k e t  needs another kind of food. Well, in fact we don’t know what kind of food it needs. We don’t know even if it needs any food at all. It looks like eating doesn’t interest the  t h i c r i c k e t . Eating is just a waste of time and energy. It looks so but it can be not so. Everything can be absolutely different. The  t h i c r i c k e t  is a very mysterious organism. It seems to be examined thoroughly, we know everything about it, yet we know everything only as if about clothes and nothing about the covered body. For example, we know the  t h i c r i c k e t  can be covered with scales and feathers and tufts of fur and leaves and tiles of chitin or calcite and this is absolutely useless piece of knowledge. We can not be absolutely sure it hasn’t devoured us because it could have done this, however so delicately and subtly we think it hasn’t, we think we ourselves have entered it, we are just going through it while it pays no attention to us, is not interested in us at all, not even noticed us, as if we were immaterial spirits penetrating the thick wall though it is the other way round: we don’t doubt we are material, at least the majority of us, but we are not sure if the  t h i c r i c k e t  is. Speaking and writing metaphorically the  t h i c r i c k e t  is like a school of fish. This comparison says a lot about the character of  t h i c r i c k e t  although it is absolutely wrong – it would be right if it was as dispersed as  t h i c r i c k e t  is. What does it mean? Has anybody ever heard a dispersed scattered metaphor? The  t h i c r i c k e t  can’t be drawn because its external form is too unstable and changeable – it’s much easier to draw a cloud which looks like a granite rock when compared to a  t h i c r i c k e t . However we can’t draw a conclusion the internal form of the  t h i c r i c k e t  is as changeable and unstable as the external one. Although we are inside it, we see it from outside as if it was turned. Yes, that’s the way it is. Or it is not. > > > >