N A T U R E – W I L D L I F E

Quite interesting it is that nature can be called wildlife and wildlife can be called nature. These are supposed to be two names of the same thing: one native, the other foreign. Or: one local, the other universal. Nevertheless it can be suspected that these two words don't cover exactly the same area. The locality is usually contained by universality (because universality is the set of localities, being at the same time something more and something different than the simple result of addition), while universality must be a bit local (if it were not it would be an abstract notion comprehended by nobody – well, frankly writing the majority don't understand it and don't bother about it at all even now). If so, then nature would contain wildlife, of course, provided that they are not misaligned, than there would an area of wildlife not contained by nature… An extremely interesting area it would be. Nobody's land? Free land? Liber land?
It's also interesting, whether a stone belongs to nature or to wildlife. Stones are supposed to be existing but not living. So they should belong to the wildexistence. Or to wildbeing… Or wilddead. But are stones dead? Can stones be dead if they are not alive? Are they really not alive?

What is NATURE, then?
Everything that is not made by humans is nature, everything that is made by itself, that appears, grows, disappears, is born by itself. This is nature. This is what people think. If they think – what people do consider thinking not necessarily is thinking for thinking can consist in something else, can be something absolutely different than they think it is. Termites used to think the same: nature is everything that has not been made by termites. If termites do think – what termites consider thinking not necessarily is thinking for thinking can consist in something else, can be something absolutely different they think it is. While birds think, are convinced, that nature is everything that is not made by birds... And so on. Always we and nature. We above and beyond nature. We over everything. Always.
Let's come back to people. It looks like books are good example of what is not nature, of what nature is not. As well as letters, words, phrases. This is clear. If we looked at them more carefully, if we analysed them profoundly, we would find there darkness and mournfulness like in a dense forest, like on a sea bottom where unimaginable monsters used to live. Anyway, much more clear than it is in the case of people. Because people are also made by people, by humans. That's why people don't consider people nature. Not at all. According to people everything what people do and make is culture. So also people. Culture is non-nature. Culture is the opposite of nature (although it imitates nature in any possible way, moment and place).
This definition is simple and general. And such definition should suffice. We can only mention that there are a lot of things made by people which according to people do not belong to culture. However humans don't see here any contradiction, they think, they are deeply convinced, like birds, that these things are produced by their organisms, and a human organism is not a human, like a human is not an organism (termites and birds would confirm this, any other creatures and beings too, if we only could understand their mumbling). Thus what should be simple has become awfully complex. Even wriggling like an eel won't help. This is how it is beyond the fence and the screen. Let them wriggle and writhe. They love it although they maintain they don't.

And how is it here? Beyond (behind) the fence and the screen but on the other side of them? Or in and on the screen, but not in and on the fence – well, worth wondering.
Here there are only letters. And different words can be composed of them.
Oh, ture, ture, ture...

Which has been known since the very beginning, so the whole disquisition above has been unnecessary. But let it stay. One day, like every other trash, waste, secretion or excretion, it will be recycled, recombined and transformed, and maybe something useful will emerge out of it, for example a bestiary, a bullshitiary, a letteriary...
