An exle is, according to the name, an exception with no rule, while a ruception is, also according to its name, a rule with no exception. Although they are the same, they differ a lot, fundamentally.
An exle is an exception to an exception, which causes its absolute absence, because it appears only once and disappears at once and never reappears. Thus an exle is unrepeatable and really unique. It’s incomparably more difficult to encounter an exle than to find a fern flower, which blossom once a hundred years – if you don’t find it in this century, you can try in the next one (or in the former one – in fables time is running is various directions, in fact is neither running nor flowing – it is flooding, spilling all around). An exle doesn’t give us such a chance. Since nobody has ever encountered an exle, we don’t know what it looks like. There are no imagined pictures of it, either, no paintings, drawings or prints, no descriptions; this is so because confronted with a real exle they could only show the entire lack of imagination of their author. Some could think that an exle looks just like EXLE does, but they would make a logic mistake: exle is unrepeatable – just count how many times exle has been repeated in this paragraph.

A ruception is a rule of rules. Is a rule itself and for itself, that is why it needs no other rules, so it is a rule without rules. And if so, it is as though it was not. And that’s it. A ruception is an ephemeral, ethereal rule, it formulates and deformulates itself in a blink of an eye. It’s much more difficult to encounter a ruception than to find a fern flower, for the latter is blossoming much longer then a blink of an eye – sparseness of blossoming is compensated by its duration (it must be admitted not much has been written about it, in fact nothing, yet nothing has been written about the immediate end of blossoming, either). Ruceptions can be met in any moment, but you need to have a really keen and quick eye. However, it looks like nobody has an eye keen and quick enough, so we don’t know what a ruception looks like. It might be very similar to an exle, like twins or drops of water are, but we shouldn’t rely on such suppositions. Although exle and ruception are the same things, they are absolutely different things.
