- - - - - and here some doubts can be expressed: insects in the ideal space? dirt, crumbs and speck in the ideal space? does it mean it is an ideal space for dirt and crumbs and specks? or does it mean there is an ideal dirt? and why would an ideal dirt not exist? an ideal dirt with no doubt would be uncleanable – yes – this would be its main, fundamental and essential feature, this would be the basis for its idealness, because cleanability is its biggest failing - - - - - yes: only uncleanable dirt deserves to be called an ideal dirt; all the other attributes are not important; yes, it can spread around killing stink, it can paralyse your eyesight with its ghastliness, but these things mean nothing since you can clean it - - - - but how can uncleanability of ideal dirt be reconciled with the fact the ideal dirts, as ideal entities, can only appear? they don't grow, don't gather, don't assemble, don't pile up, don't accumulate, they only appear, and then they disappear (this is how it has been described) – or they float through the ideal space like clouds - - - - can uncleanable dirt appear and disappear? if it could it would be a preposterous dirt – or an ideal one - - - - - - - - and how about insects? I have begun with insects and then I switched to dirt, just as if insects were the specks and crumbs of dirt – are they or are they not? sometimes they are sometimes they are not, that's not the point, but if ideal insects are the point, then you should go to the Faculty of Extreme Machines and look for them there, and if not ideal insects are the point then you should go to the Nature Reserve and look for them there, though there is no guarantee they would be found there – the only thing that can be guaranteed is constant brain teasing this time having a shape of a following question: would Liberland be an ideal state if neither hideous flies nor marvellous butterflies flew in it?