Night sky should be black and numerous stars should shine in it, stars which create no constellations at all, and even if they did, such constellations would be absolutely unlike the ones created by various observers who simply follow their unbridled fantasy. It should be so, but it is not – it means no one knows whether it is so or not. Because no one knows whether there is a night in Liberland. Everybody knows there is a day. And everybody knows a day ends. Ends abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly. As if the world ended together with it. In the case of the end of the world complete darkness is supposed to fall. If it were so, it wouldn't be that bad, for the existence of darkness would mean the world didn't end, for the end of the world would mean that nothing exists, even darkness does not exist, even nothing does not exist. The conditional is necessary here, because these are but fantasies, not the knowledge. We don't know what is going on after the end of the world, we don't know if anything at all is going on. We imagine, that nothing is going on, because nothing is existing, but we are not sure of it. The fact nothing is existing does not mean that nothing is going on. The lack of anything, of any entities, does not mean the lack of any happenings, of any events. We can imagine a language composed only of verbs, can't we? Yet this would be only an idea, again....

The day ends and the night does not fall – Liberland falls into a sort of non-being. It is as if it were not. It achieves the state between being and non-being, closer to non-being but not identical with non-being. As if it were not existing. So the night is as if not existing, either. So the night sky almost does not exist, almost almost – there is almost no sky and there is almost no night.

Can we suppose what Liberland would look like then? What would the sky which almost almost does not exist look like? Yes, we can, but what for? It's better to know then to imagine, than to suppose. But if it is impossible to know? Then imagining is just the waste of time.