The moon over Liberland has the shape of C or D or O. There is no doubt about it. Or the mirror image of C. Or the mirror image of D. Or the mirror image of O. Which is why we can draw easily the conclusion there are but three phases of the moon. No new moon. It means the moon never disappears. It fades away, but it does not disappear. However it would be better to write and speak about three and a half phases, because sometimes the moon has the shape of B. This phenomenon is very irregular and unpredictable, that's why it deserves to be labelled as a half-phase, or a part-phase.
Whereas the moon over Esplanade has the shape of o or c or e. And it never has the shape of b. Let alone of p. So we can't speak and write about the quarters – then what can we speak and write about: thirds?
If the moon over Esplanade has only three phases, and the moon over Liberland has three and a half phases, is it the same moon in two forms (upper-case and lower-case), or are they two different, not the same, moons?
Oh! This could mean twice as much sighing. And twice as much howling.

How about two moons in one form?
Oh! This would be really too much.

If there were, somewhere here, the third moon, it would have the following shapes: < ( [ { . And the mirror images of these signs, of course. The third moon would be a four-phase one, though to tell and to write the truth these could be four variants of one phase.
Where could it be?
Over the beach?
Over the ocean?
Over the forest?
Over the mountain?
Over the pond in the park?
In the window?
Let's look for it.
If we find it, there will be three times as much sighing. No – two and a half. The third moon is never full.
