And if you would like to ask for asylum, don't ask, don't even try, don't even want to.
What could you get if you asked? Let's assume you told your story. Let's assume you wrote your story quite nicely and it's a good, witty story. Or let's assume somebody else transformed your story into a tale, or into a novel, or a play, or a poem ...... or maybe it's just a thread, one thread in a huge carpet made of thousands of such threads, one strand in a huge novel composed of thousands of such strands and titled Refugees – your name could be changed, you face could be changed, your biography could be changed so thoroughly you would hardly recognize yourself, you would not even suspect you had been somebody else, you would be surprised you could have been somebody like this very character, you would found it a fable about former incarnations ...... Of course, we could change nothing – nothing in you, but everything around you – you would live long and happily: And finally he asked for asylum in Liberland. He got it and he was living there very long and very happily. Well, it means, in such case you would live but one short sentence. With no doubt you would prefer an epic much longer than Mahabharata. Yes. Surely. And with no doubt as well, behind the notion happily would stand your idea of happiness, how you imagine it, how you think it is to be happy. That is why I asked you not to ask, not to try to ask, because your life would be transformed into one short phrase and you would be disappointed, you would cry, swear, get furious, and could do nothing against it ...... But maybe the past tense could be replaced with the present tense? He asked for asylum in Liberland. He got it. Now he lives there and is very happy. Well, sounds better, no doubt, because it doesn't indicate an end. He lives and lives and lives. He keeps on living, will be living nobody knows how long. Somebody will read the text in two hundred years and you will be still alive. In the case of the past tense it sounds quite mournfully – somebody is reading it now, and you are already dead. Happily dead. Or happy dead.

So, has it any sense to ask, when you can ask for nothing? Isn't reading enough? Just think about it – you are reading these phrases, so you are already in here. You are a Reader. You can't get better status.

But maybe it is possible? It can happen I'm just running away from a second-rate crime story. Or I am persecuted by a poor style, tasteless phrases, lack of reflection . . . . . . . and I'd like to be in a beautiful stanza . . . . . .

And even if you got the asylum here, just think: have you found a right place for yourself? This is something absolutely boring – zigzags, windings, labyrinths, ceaseless and constant what-is-the-point? what-is-this-mess-about? this-can't-be-a-novel-can-it? so-what-is-it? . . . . . . . Is this really what you were thinking and dreaming about? Remember, you are a Reader. You will never get the right to write anything in. However you will keep for ever your right to read and interpret. What can simple things be complicated for? Simple things are complex enough, is there any good reason to make them more complex?