a tragicomic monodrama in one act

A note:
People living beyond the fence used to say I'm overcome with black despair when they feel like absolutely helpless or in a deep resignation. White Despair is not the opposite, not at all. Despair remains the same only the colour of it changes.

The stage is entirely empty. There is absolutely nothing on it. No props. The floor is white, soft, fluffy and puffy, spongy and swampy. As if covered by a dozen centimetres of snow.

There is a man on the stage. He's wearing a warm parka, thick trousers, snow boots, black woolen cap, solid gloves. An actor performing should be unknown and awful. He should be an elderly man who in his everyday life off stage much too often makes various slips of tongue, usually doesn't end a sentence, simply suspends it, and this is not the result of his deep conviction that listeners know perfectly well what's the point, for they don't know, because sentences and phrases are complex and intricate and heavy – this feature can't be elucidated by his age, his is not that old and doesn't suffer dementia, but is a great advantage while preforming White Despair. That's exactly the point. The actor won't have to act, to pretend, it would be enough if he was just himself, and if he forgot a part of the text, it would be good, too, he would have to improvise – then it would be as it should be for the point is the text is to “pull the tongue”. A director is not needed, either. This is a self-directing play.

The man, we know absolutely nothing about him, behaves as if he was writing something on the floor. Or maybe drawing. Making short and long strokes. Circles, squares, rectangles, triangles various figures. They are small enough not to be recognised by the audience. And all of them are green. In dozens of shades of green. Briefly writing: he's scribbling in green. Slowly, it's not paper he's writing on, not systematically, with no plan, his strategy of covering with scribbling the entire floor really mysterious and chaotic. All the time he's mumbling something. To understand what he's talking about one needs to stop breathing and listen as careful as possible.

- - - - - - - - oh! beautiful! beautiful! oh! oh! oh! wow wow wow wow wow wow - - - - - - - - - all the time only lovely! lovely! - - - - snow! wow snow! wow wow snow! now wow snow! snow drives them mad - - - - - wish snow wow wow wow drove them dead - - - - - - - - - - - - - they think and say it was dirty oh how dirty it was before - - - - - - - - - before it got snowing - - - - - - - they saw everywhere mud and dirt - - - - mud and dirt and dirt and mud everywhere - - - - everything was grey everything around - - - - - - - they had grey minds grey hearts grey souls - - - - - - - - - - - - - how could they see mud everywhere if there had been no rain? - - - it hadn't been raining for weeks so they could see stones and concrete only stones and concrete nothing else - - - - - they had muddy minds - - - - - - - - muddy heads - - - mud in the heads - - - - - - - - - - mud in dead head - - - - - - - - - that's what they had in their heads mud mud mud mud - - - mad mud - - - mad mud - - - - - - - they should have gone off the town - - - - - not to parks no no to a real meadow - - - - vast meadow - - - - not a golf course but a meadow just a meadow dow dow dow wow what a dow - - - wow watch me go to meadow - - - -- - - - - - - - - December and January were dry really dry with no rain so meadows were not swampy not spongy not even wet meadows were dry so they could be walking easily - - - - - - - - - - no special equipment needed no special shoes no mud boots - - - yes but dry meadow is boring mud is not yes mud mud this is it dive in mud play in mud waddle in mud that's it this is fun mud is mud - - - - - to be covered with mud entirely form the soles of your feet to the top of your head from the tyres to the roof - - - - - - - for so many many years snow was covering real beauty with prettiness - - - big beauty covered by small beauty very small beauty - - - - - - - snow can be pretty snow can be even beautiful this can't be denied - - - - - - - the meadow covered with fresh snow - - - polished by ghastly chilly wind a gleaming crust of snow - - - - - - - - - - - - just before the dawn greyish pearly sky to the east violet clouds breaking like to mature plums still almost full moon rambling hovering above the horizon to the west - - - - - - yes it's really beautiful - - because the snow on the meadow is not white it doesn't make us blind doesn't dazzle - - - - ---- - - - yes - - - - - the beautiful outline of the dark forest the beautiful outline of the hills so clear on the background of pale night sky - - - - background blackground - - - - - - ------ - - - - not as beautiful as when there is no snow - - - - - - - - blackground greyground brownground - - fuck the contrast doesn't matter the contrast - - what a huge number of nuances and shades even at the dawn - - - - - - - let alone by day - - - - - - oh it's so so beautiful by day - - - - - so much more colourful by day than by night - - doesn't matter if the sky is clear or overcast - - - - - the whiteness of snow can't stand the greenness of the meadow in wintertime - - - - - - - what a variety of green colours what a subtlety - - - dead green dying green decaying green - - - - ---- no no grass looked astonishingly fresh - - - yes yes so fresh - - - ----- - that's why winter is so jealous - - - snow is jealous winter is jealous - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- ------------------ - - - - - - has anybody ever heard of green blindness? has it ever happened that green dazzled anybody made them blind? has a colourful meadow ever made anybody blind? winter greenness of the meadow is incredible sophisticated - - - far far more than whiteness of snow - - - - whiteness od snow is primitive only pretends sophistication and subtlety depends on the sunlight and on everything around and above – on clouds on sky on shadows - - - - - sophistication of the green is noble because it is not pretended it is immanent it is inner it comes from inside not from outside - - - - - - - - - - - - - - what a pity snow is not green or of any other colour - - - - - sometimes can be yellowish when it is mixed with the dust from Sahara - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - oh those impurities and additions of grey mixed with brown those flashes of emerald pale red and pale orange and pale yellow coming from under - - - - - ------ - - - - they could come and see they could have come and see but they didn't come they will not come and even if they come they will see nothing they won’t be looking and admiring they will only keep complaining they can't ski - - - - - - skiing skiing skiing nothing but skiing beauty of the world reduced to skiing - - - - what are the skis for? what do people need the skis for? to walk on deep snow - - - not to go like mad down the hill - - - - - - - has any animal any kind of skis? they sink in snow and they don't die they walk run jump dive in snowdrifts and nothing wrong happens while a man must invent something, must construct a machine and at once spoils everything because only what is damaged is nice and interesting and not boring what is not damaged and not spoiled horrifies the humans - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - why a hell people moved to snowlands? what for? they should have run away should have been horrified by snow and frost by the nightmare of polar night of never ending darkness should have been pushed away driven away should have promised to themselves not to come back - - - - - -the north should be banned and cursed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - what did they like in snow in frost in winter? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - frostbitten noses and ears and toes? - - - - - better than tattoo much better - - - - - - - they were young so they like it - - - young and stupid - - years ago I was young too and stupid too and I liked winter used to make crazy things in snow - - - - - - - but I didn't ski – no no never I wasn't that stupid no oh no - - - - now I don't like winter I hate winter I do hate winter I hate winter so much I can't stand it I can hardly bear it - - but I bear it because I must - - - - - I was born here I live here I must bear winter - - - - - - why can't we decide where we are born? they should ask us where we want to be born present all pros and cons and let us make a choice - - - - - - - - - - - - - I should fly away to warm countries no doubt I should but I have no wings - - - - why don't I have the wings? why don't the wings grow on my back in autumn? - - - - a pair of temporary wings makeshift wings good enough to reach a warm country and drop off right after landing for I won't need them in warmlands - - - - I would rather need fins - - - - - - - - everybody should be able to fly away - - - - - - - - what would I fly there for if nobody there wants and expects me? - - - - here nobody wants me, either, but I am native here so they can't kick me out - - - - - - why can't I be both native and foreign why we can’t be both native and foreign why everybody can’t be both native and foreign - - - - - - - - - a native foreigner - - - a foreign aborigine - - - - - nice categories really nice - - - - - why unknown? - - - -- - the world would be much better if we could be - - - - - - - - ----------------------- - - - - - - - - - I keep repeating it stubbornly: it should be forbidden to live in the area where houses need to be heated - - - what an unimaginable uncountable waste of energy time money force strength materials of everything and the coal the black despair of humanity one of many black despairs of humanity and dressing up all those clothes to wrap oneself warmly - - - - insulation insulation everywhere insulation and these stoves various heaters boilers fireplaces chimneys smokes smokes dragons of smoke smoke dragons - - - - - - - all those inconveniences these stupid little things taking our attention endlessly and we only keep thinking how can we heat ourselves the space we live in to make our life possible while in the same time we could do something else something more useful something more interesting more useful - - - - - - - create beauty instead of destroying it in the insatiable stoves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it had been so good for more than a decade I didn't count I should have counted and written the numbers down on a piece of paper these are the most important really crucial things - - - - - - - for quite long time there was no snow - - - - - - - almost - - - - - - - - - - - - there have been almost no winters - - - - years with no snow - - what are the winters for? - - - - - - has winter any sense? - - - - - winter is a pure nonsense a sheer nonsense - - - - - - - but - - - winters should vanished - - there should be three seasons spring summer autumn - - there could be two seasons: rainy and dry – why not? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and these awful cracks in the skin around the nailtops – - - - - - skin cracking due to frost and hard work no not the hard work – you work hard in the summertime and the skin doesn't crack like that - - only because of frost this fucking frigging freezing because of this whiteness whiteness makes the fingers crack greenness doesn't make the fingers crack - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dressing up is the worst - - - - dressing and dressing all the time dressing up I want go out for a moment and I have to put on tons of clothing: thick shoes boots socks socks trousers trousers on trousers jumpers parkas caps gloves - - - clothing drives me mad dressing up makes me mad dressing and undressing dressing-un-dressing-un-dressing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was so good so good it was everything was going in the right direction it seemed soon there would be no need to take home chairs and little table from the veranda when summer ended - - - - - - they could be there all year long - - - - - it would be so nice to sit on the porch all year long - - - even in the dark in warm winter darkness in the darkness full of fluttering moths - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - darkness darkness darkness darkness - - again winter darkness winter awfulness - - - - myriads of tiny colour lights won't drive darkness away - - - - nor the snow - - - even the frozen one sparkling and crispy - - - - - - - - it's a bit brighter yes a little bit brighter and so what? can this broken darkness bring us any advantages? - - - - - - - - - oh full darkness is better much better - - - - - - - doesn't matter nothing can be seen the mountain range behind the forest is hardly visible on a bit less black sky doesn't matter the wall of woods merges with the meadow doesn't matter we can see more no doubt more for nothing is covered - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - what is this winter for? has winter any sense? what is this winter for right now? what is it for again? it has remembered it was its time its season - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sheer maliciousness - - - - - - - people love maliciousness some think its the manifestation of intelligence they admire malice winter they say snow is necessary due to not enough water snow will thaw and bring water to dry soil - - - - but rain not torrential but just normal regular rain is even better - - - - - - - - - or maybe rain is not water maybe raindrops are stones - - - - - - - - - - - they say frost will kill ticks - - - - - - - - - - what else will frost exterminate? and what will not? what will feel better and happier after the frost wave? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - no no I'm not the fan of global warming - no oh no - - - - - I don't want the hot countries be hotter I don't want the deserts be more barren and deserted I don't imagine the entire equator belt of this planet to be burnt to be fried to be cooked and stewed but I do imagine this land where I have been living and will be living for some time be nice and warm nice and warm all year long - - - - - - - - - - sometimes I keep on imagining the whole Arctic ice is taken to Sahara and Sahara is green again like iw was long time ago - - - - - - - oh what a nice job what a nice piece of work to be done - - - - - yes yes I just want here is ice and warm from January to January this is what I want but I don't want someone and something pay for it - - - - who's going to pay for this all-year-long-warmness here? - - - - - - - - why there always should be something for something? - - - - - - why couldn't be something for nothing? so often there is nothing for something so often almost every day every moment round the clock - - - - - I'm just the enemy of winter the winter’s toughest enemy - - I just only want winter to go away – piss off – to fuck off - - I just want winter to go away and never come back here to fuck off for ever - - - - do I want much? is it much what I want? - - - - - - - - - - - too much too much - - - - - - - too little - - - - - - too much - - - - - - too little - - - - - never enough - - - - - - why do I want? why do I want anything? what do I want for? could I want nothing? could I want never? could I never want? could I not want? - - - - - - to want nothing is something really different than not to want at all not to know wanting not to know desiring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wanting and desiring is a trap - - - - - wanting is a trick dirty trick very dirty trick - - - - the tricky and filthy and unstable Nature ordered us to want to intent and to kill it exterminate it accidentally unintentionally - - - - - - - - yes just like that - - - - - - - we don't want to wipe out ourselves - - - we just want to wipe out everything that is dangerous for us to feel at last safe - - - - - - - now Nature is the most dangerous for us so we're trying to get rid of it and when we intentionally or unintentionally exterminate it wipe it out and replace it with Culture then we will try to kill Culture because Culture will be the most dangerous for us - - - - - oh we have just begun and we are doing quite well - - - we are doing even too well much too well so we will commit a fundamental mistake: we will wipe Culture out too soon much too soon and we will exterminate ourselves before we succeed to get rid of Nature and thus Nature will get rid of us - - - - - no no Nature will not let us do that - - - Nature will supervise us Nature hopes we will do what we came for - - - - - - - - - Earth of Nature? - - - - - - - Earth - - - - -Earth - - - - - Earth wants to get rid of life because life hurts it life generates rubbish life is the source of pollution life harms it life all the time wants something life devours it makes it dirty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yes it should be said clearly: snow is clean snow is clean as a desert is clean - - - deserts are clean because there is no life in them and life is but rash lichen itch leprosy abominable scab which seems to itself beautiful - - - - - - - and the Earth didn't know how to get rid of it how to get cured had been trying for some many years so many hundreds thousands millions of years and finally found a solution finally created something a sort of medicine a homopatic remedy homopathologic remedy - - - - - - this is the best lichen ever - - - - - this is a super lichen - - - - - - this is the cancer of Earth skin - - - - - this the cancer of the cancer - - - - - - - - - - let's hope the Earth has not exaggerated - - - - let's hope life will not destroy the Earth - - - - - life is deaf and blind and stupid life doesn't think doesn't ponder on its future life is eating the bough it's sitting on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - why do I not hibernate? or maybe I did? and I'm dreaming I'm painting meadows - - - - - - I'm dreaming of conspiracies - - - - conspiracy within conspiracy - - - - conspiracy against conspiracy - - - - - - - - I could sleep the whole winter provided I would not sleep the whole summer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it's easier to write on the white meadow than on the green one - - - - - - snow is like paper - - - - - snow pretends to be a sheet of paper - - - - - - - - - - snow imitates paper - - - - - - prints in snow are like signs mysterious signs hieroglyphs doodles imitating wisdom - - - - - - what do write on the meadow for? the meadow is entirely covered with writings there's no need to add human banalities neither the beautiful ones nor unclear and disgusting ones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - than it's better if snow covered them and the frost froze - - - - - -

And so on. On and on. Each time in a different way. Let us not forget this play is a self-written play, and the actor is the author, too. If he likes to be. He may not want. Then he will reduce his part to murmurs and mumbles, and the rest will add the listeners, provided that they would like to do so...

And when the entire floor is covered with green scribbling, the curtain will go down.

A faint applause will be easily defeated by a deepest and common sigh of relief, or even by booing. The audience will leave the theatre disappointed, a bit bewildered and shocked. If anybody goes the distance.

They should regret. Right after the curtain is down a doctor's voice can be heard:
OK, it's enough for today. You were doing really well. I think twenty or thirty sessions more, and you will be discharged and sent home.
