Welcome to our Vaccination Clinic!

We are so glad, oh, we are really so glad, you have come. Of course, we are aware your arrival is not tantamount to the steadfast decision to get vaccinated; not necessarily it is a manifestation of a willingness or readiness or desire to get a jab. We don’t reject the possibility you are here by accident or by sheer curiosity. And if you have come here, we are not going to miss a chance to present our vaccination.

Here it is: LIB2021

LIB2021 is a universal vaccination. It impacts everything. It whips the white, scrambles the yellow, stirs the starch, melts the fat out. Nothing can resist it. It implants chips, certainly it does. It disentangles the tangled DNA threads, yes, it does. It does replace chaos with order once and for ever.

The list of vaccine injuries is stunning: we can see sharper, we can perceive vaster, we can hear clearer, we can feel fuller. Our hair and teeth grow back (sometimes even too much), wrinkles disappear, back stops aching, nightmares are gone, appetite is monstrous, no more huffing and puffing, we forget about fatigue, our memory is razor sharp, so we must be careful not to get wounded.

To get what’s on the list, and more, it’s enough to read THIS – minutely, from the very beginning to the very end.

Do not write THIS, under no circumstances! The effect can be adverse thus miserable and deeply deplorable.