It could seem we are dealing with simple
inversions: u is inverted n, while V is
inverted A. At the first glance this is so,
at the second glance this is so, too, though a bit less. Then this is not. Unless we deal with non-simple inversions, with inversions complicated and complex.
Let's take V. It has no bar. There is nothing we can sit on. We have to stand on the head – we have to sit on the head. The space above us is not closed, not concentrated and not concentrating, not contracted and not contracting – the space above us is open, distracted and distracting, dispersed and dispersing.  
But what are the trenches for: to think and meditate in them? No, trenches are to give us a shelter – we can lie, sit, walk, run in them, while above our heads whiz words, phrases, sentences, even paragraphs, roaring and howling. And they make no harm to us. We are save. They don't hit us. Let them whiz, roar and howl of anger – we are save. We calmly go on digging..... . Go on drawing..... Like moles.....

Trenches are like
 interline spaces.
spaces are like trenches.

We can hide in them. Crouch
 down. Take a rest. Get safely
 to the margins....

But maybe it is the other way
 round: the letters are trenches
 dug in the white page, like in
 a lime rock. They pretend they
 help us to get out of this white
emptiness..... Or we pretend they
 help us. With no doubt they help us to go round and round. They make a huge labyrinth with no exit, which pretend to be an open space with no boundaries and limits.....