FARM because at the farm. Or at least near the farm. Adjacent to the farm. It should be there, shouldn't it?
It would be called FIELD if it were on the field (is there any field here? there should be at least one – everything here is but a field – everywhere fruits and vegetables of mind and of intellect are growing).
It would be called DESERT if it were on the desert (but it is not and probably there won't be any – no caravans go across Liberland deserts, lonesome brave travellers are very rare, too – Liberland deserts seem to be the worst of all deserts – so the most extreme marathon should be organised, a kind of death-run – an inevitable-death-run).
It would be called OCEAN if it were on the ocean (there is an ocean here, so there could be the Ocean Restaurant – or the Deserted Restaurant).
It would be called RIVER if it were on or at the river, but there no river here.
It would be called POND if it were on the pond, and LAKE if it were on the lake (there won't be any, either, since the pond in the park is very small, small enough for one table only – nobody knows what can be fished out of this pond, for there is room in it for a golden fish, mussel and weed only).
It would be called MEADOW if it were on the meadow (maybe there will be one – but it would be called HERB – oh yes, potions, elixirs, mixtures, infusions...)

It would be called ROAD if it were at the road (there are no roads here – maybe a path could be found – so it would be called PATH – writing frankly it should be called LINK).
If it were under the ground, it would be called UNDERGROUND (what would be its speciality: earth-worm salad or rootlet salad? - rootlet salad, no doubt).
And in a tunnel there would be the TUNNEL restaurant (what would be its speciality: light lollipops?)
It would be called AIR if it were in the air (and it would be a restaurant hanging and hovering like a balloon, whirling like a dried leaf, floating like a feather lost by a bird – a venue only for the pale, thin, transparent, for artists feeding themselves only with art).
It would be called SWAMP or SWAMPY if it were on swamps.
And DUNE on dunes (are there any dunes here? where are dunes?)
And so on.
Let's go back to the FARM restaurant.

If the FARM restaurant is at the Esplanade, it means the farm is at the Esplanade. This may be quite surprising, because Esplanade is supposed to be the street, the main and the only one. So what? Is a farm less important than a bank or a museum? No, it is not. And if it is not, if it is as important as a bank or a museum, it can be located near them. That's one point. The other one is that in Liberland everything can be adjacent to everything. The Liberland space is really tousled and complex and we need a new geometry to describe it – both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries are not enough. But is it a right time to think about it when the stomach is rumbling and right in front of my eyes there is the cereal-corn-potato menu (for example: potato pan cakes with cream).