Of course, there should be a museum. Probably each country has a museum. I'm writing probably for there are always some exceptions – however Liberland is enough exceptional and it can neglect this exception easily. The museums can be very different. Sometimes an extraordinary building is designed for a museum, so wonderful and unusual it is, that itself far ahead of the collection shown inside it, and people arriving from all over the world admire just the building, not the collected items. And this the very case is the point.

Museums collect and show things that were made in the past, long time ago or not so long time ago. Different things can be collected, in fact all kind of things, absolutely everything provided they were made in the past. Of course, it is said and written so. While it is known that if this was the truth then all museum would be empty since the past does not exist – only the present does exist, so everything is being made and exists only in the present. It is also known that the present is elusive, intangible, it last so short, that one can easily say it does not exist, since it turns at once into the past which doesn't exist, either, since only the present exists, only what is going right in this very moment. About the past we can say, that it existed, that it is the past present, the present that has flowed away. It is horribly complicated, so maybe it's better to stop thinking about it. We are confused enough, we don't need more confusion.

The items collected in the museum are material, physical substance. They can be touched, although it is forbidden – if every visitor used to touch them, they would be covered with dirt very soon. Clean hands are but a fiction. Are there any material things belonging to the past in Liberland? No. Liberland exists only when you read it. You stop to read it and it disappears. Some crumbs of it can be stored in your memory, but this will be your memory, not Liberland. You can't touch Liberland, either. You can touch the screen, but the screen is not Liberland, the screen is just a screen. You could make screen prints and show them saying: look, this is how Liberland looked one day in the past... People do things like that very often. They show pictures of a city saying: look, this is how it looked years ago... But even if now this place looks not the same, with no doubt some things from the past can be found there easily: stones, trees, concrete. You can touch them and think: I'm touching something very old... In Liberland you can touch nothing. You can only read a text written some time ago. Is reading something else than touching?
I wonder why visiting a museum of literature I can see old pens and pencils, type writers, a chair which a famous writer used to sit on, a copybook, first edition of a book ...... this is not literature, this is something absolutely else. Why literature is not displayed in a museum of literature? Maybe because it can't be displayed, can't be exhibited. Why this is so? Because it does not exist?