I don't remember if this so sophisticated and
subtle court lady mentioned socks in this or other
way in her pillow book. I remember very well she did
mention sleeves at least several times – maybe not
a sleeve itself, but a colour inside a large loose
wing-like sleeve, how delicately or bravely it was
flashing in a gloomy interior or on the background
of shadowy greenery along the road where a procession
of noble ladies and cavaliers was moving slowly as if
dancing.... And not even a word about socks. Silence.
Yet with no doubt from time to time socks flashed
bright brilliant white among lush blades of grass
plaited with dusty grey strokes of withered stems.
Like a squirrel's belly in a thicket of leaves and twigs.
Like a feather in bird's wing... Always white... Probably
yes. Mostly white. Usually white... And always worn with
sandals... Were they there and then wearing other shoes
than wooden sandals? Not sandals – thongs. Oh, just geta
 – they walked on sanserif letter T with doubled stem – or
on two letters T with joined bars: TT . . . . . It's very
interesting that she didn't write about fashion. She
described the compositions of colours. Pictures. Mutual
relations between patches of colours. There was no
fashion. The forms of clothes were fixed once (or twice
or thrice) for ever. Only colours, patterns, textures,
nuances, dyes, combinations of folds could be changed . . .

One shouldn't bother about fashion – one should bother about beauty.       

Half a year barefoot – half a year wearing socks. Would be good. But it is not like that.                
One third of a year barefoot – two thirds of a year wearing socks. That's how it is. Well, not bad.                        
Two thirds of a year divided between thin and thick socks. But it's hard to define the proportion.                     
 Very difficult. Can happen even I wear both during one day. Can happen that in a frosty day I put                      
                                                      thick socks on thin socks....        

Is that all? Yes, it is. Nothing about colours. Not to wake up the noble lady who fell asleep                
 lying her head near brushes, ink and sheets of paper many many pairs of socks ago.        