Shoes for feet are what a hat is for a head.

I should have used the word
headgear or headwear which seem to be counterparts of shoe. But if I used headgear or headwear I should use a word footgear or footwear.

Because shoe is different. Shoe is something else. Shoe has nothing in common with foot. So, if I used shoe then I should use a word which would mean the same as headwear or headgear and would have nothing in common with head. And this word should contain hats, caps, crowns, helmets, hoods, berets and who knows what else like shoe contains sandals, sneakers, boots, clogs, thongs, high-heels and who knows what else.
But there is no such word.
This is an incredible lexical negligence. And nobody cares. Nobody concerns. Unbelievable, indeed.

Now I don't know what I should do: to look for this word (or rather to invent it – looking for something non-existing has no sense, unless it has sense to waste the time senselessly) or to solve the problem how many headwears an adult really needs... Of course, hair style (coiffure) will not be considered a headwear – if so then our situation will be far more complex, while deliberations will last endlessly...
The simplest assumption is that one can live the whole life with uncovered head. Because this can be done quite easily. Provided that one is not bald and suffers no sun allergy, and the climate one lives in causes no sunstroke, nor freezes liquids inside one's skull. Liberland meets these conditions, so my effort can be focused on erasing this lexical negligence.
Fortunately, in the space we are in, almost perfectly homogeneous and with no directions, no signs, immaculate, as usually a small, almost imperceptible ripple appears. A fluctuation. As usually nobody knows where from. As it has already been mentioned shoe has nothing in common with foot. Nor with any other part of the body, with any word naming any part of the body. So, the word that is going to be invented (created) should have nothing in common with head... Should it have anything in common with something else? If so then what with and what would be common?
I'm afraid, it won't be easy.
No doubt.
I should better go for a good walk through the miraculous autumn forest. Until sun is shinning and can warm up the brain to make thoughts and ideas circulate more vividly.
Any propositions?
None so far.

For quite long I've been wondering what I could tattoo on my head when I am absolutely bald. Now, right in this moment, I think about a map of the world. However I haven't chosen the hemisphere. It seems natural this should be the northern one. Or maybe only Arctic? Then I would wear on my head an ice cap. Brr!... So, maybe the firmament? Swarming constellations... Well, well... Well, luckily I will never get absolutely bald. Never.
