On the other side of the hotel there are rooms with windows viewing ......
you can put here the name or description of what you would like to look at

On this side of the hotel there are rooms with no windows not viewing ... >>>
you can put here the name or description of what you wouldn't like to look at

There are also rooms with windows, but with no view.
These are very interesting rooms. Worth recommending. We don't mean the windows in these rooms are bricked up, stopped with planks or entirely covered with thick curtains, nor they are clever hyperrealistic imitations painted on the wall – these are absolutely normal windows you can see nothing through, absolutely nothing; you can open them to air the room, and you can see nothing. No view. There is no view through this window. This is a no-view window. How come? Is it possible? Yes, it is, surely....

There are also rooms with no windows, but with a view.
There are several variants of these rooms: with a projected view (subvariants: a photo, slide show, film; and of course subsubvariants: colour and shades of grey), with a painted view (subvariants: oil, gouache, tempera, water colours, ink), with a drawn view (subvariants: pencil, pen, crayons, pastels, charcoal), with a written view (this is a fascinating variant, especially a subvariant of the description at a scale of 1:1 on sheets of paper having the size of normal windows, with subsubvariants printed and handwritten), with an audio view (subvariants: spoken, sung, recited, whispered)..... and of course with an animated cartoon view, how could I forget it!

This is so in the case of the rooms which have only one window (or do not have one window – attention! not to have one window is something different than to have no window at all!). There are rooms which have two windows. In such cases we have to deal with the following variants:
- one window with a normal view, and the other one with a normal view
- one window with a normal view, and the other window with an abnormal view
here all possible variants, depending on whether the view is projected, painted, drawn, written, spoken, etc., should be listed

- one window with an abnormal view and the other window with an abnormal view
here all possible variants should be listed, and this list would be much longer because the number of variants would be much higher; probably a very complicated mathematical equation should be applied to count this number

- one window with a view, the other window without a view
- one window without a view, the other window with a view (as you can seen, the order is important)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Of course, these are not all possibilities, since we have also the rooms with three windows, and the number of variants in their case can make us, me and you, feel dizzy, bewildered, stunned and scared, even desperate, suppressed and depressed, ready to open one those window which do not exist and do not have a view, and jump out through it. This would be a perfect koanic suicide, so to speak.