Elixir of

Oh, that's interesting. Extremely interesting.    Usually an elixir is of something. Youth. Love. Immortality. Power. Vitality. Stamina. Sometimes maybe even of wisdom.... This one is of nothing. You drink one gulp and nothing happens. Two gulps – nothing. Three gulps – nothing. Four – nothing. Five – nothing..... You keep on drinking and nothing keeps happening.     Gosh! It's irritating. It can break your nerves down. You are expecting something. All the time you are expecting. Always something. Never nothing. And here nothing happens.    What a disappointment. The elixir of disappointment. Is it? Oh, no. Disappointment is something, no doubt about it.     And what is the elixir of nothing​? Is it nothing? It can't be nothing, because if it were nothing, it wouldn't be an elixir. Could an elixir of nothing be an ordinary, vulgar, insolent placebo? Just normal water?     Oh, no. Water is the elixir of life. And life is not nothing. Life is huge something.     Air? But air is the elixir of life, too. And huge something, too.    Vacuum? But vacuum is something, too.    Emptiness?   Is this bottle empty?  >>>>