Long, long
time ago
was not
but Appleland.

Is it true that Liberland was
not Liberland
one day in the past?
If this is true, this would mean Liberland
has a history, or even prehistory. Then the
stubbornly repeated thesis that it is the land
of the present would be considered a myth......
There wouldn't be any contradiction, for Liberland,
or one of its aspects, as you like, and those with
more analytic minds would like it, would exist only
when read. We will not discuss the aspects of Liberland.
Nor we will discuss an extremely interesting issue, though
not so absurd: could Liberland have prehistory having no history?

In those days everything in it was apples (or every thing was an apple), and if not everything (every thing) then with no doubt apples were the most important things. This Liberland-to-be, or not-yet-Liberland, or Preliberland, became famous for a mid-autumn apple party. Everything was made of apples: pyramids of apples on the tables, symbolic-allegorical composition made from apples on the lawns (well, just sun, moon and stars), only apple pies, apple juices, cooked apples, apples fried with honey, mashed apples were served. And so on.... Guests who were leaving the party got a special outvitation – hand written short poem, something between limerick and haiku, which caused a real euphoria and helped them to forget the monotony and bizarreness of the party which has never been repeated and remained a unique event.
However cider was not served. Why? Because there was no cider.
Then the apples began to turn into letters, and the apple trees into books. Thus Appleland has turned into Liberland.
But this is neither history, nor mythology. This is a legend. A legend about Free Land being born. The Land of Freedom. Apples liberated themselves from their appleness turning into letters. Now letters must liberate themselves from their letterness (literalness? literatureness? letteratureness?) They must be mixed, mingled and merged, all of them, but neither cut nor chopped. Together with serifs and ogoneks, with diacritic and punctuation worms. Then they must be pressed and squeezed. Just juiced. Then the juice, letter juice, must be poured into a barrel to ferment. This is how famous liberland cider is made – a juice made of fermented letters.... or maybe a fermented letter juice?
Even more famous, famous because a rarity, is a juice made of fermented press errors... or maybe fermented press error juice? ..... no!
If it is true that Liberland has a history, or the past, it may be also true it has the future. This future can be Ciderland. Can Ciderland be a land? Isn't it but a forecast, or a vision rooted in sheer fantasy, of ocean transgression?       <<<<<