If this is a sheet of paper, then undoubtedly it is an e-paper, so famous, so much expected by so many geeks, so many times announced as coming soon: electronic paper.
So, we are dealing with an e-page.
But if this is not a sheet of e-paper, then this not an e-page, and if this is not an e-page, then this is an ordinary screen. Quite big, but not a huge one, not covering the whole wall it is hanging on, nor the one that could be the wall itself. No. And even if it was possible to install such a huge screen, a screen-wall, it would not be necessary.
Is it one of those sheets that has only one page? This is something worth considering – both now and later.
And what can we see on this page?
A set of very small rectangles. Mostly grey. And of various intensity and brightness. They seem to be a vague outline of one's head. And this is so, because this is in fact a scintigraphic image of a head. Or an image of what is in one's head. An image of a brain. Made in the 1970s, so a few decades ago, when peeping into someone's head what not that easy as it is today. Although it is not easy even today. While it is one of the greatest dream of a human: to look into someone's head. Yes, that's right: not into MY head, but into YOUR head. Getting an insight into one's own head seems not so nice, while penetrating someone's else head – oh! this is fascinating and so desirable!
Ładosraw Wakonowski is looking into his father's head... What an insolence! Does he feel no respect for someone who once had begotten him? Wait, wait. Don't be so cruel in judging him. Consider the fact the scintigraphic image of his father brain is one of very few things left after... Besides, he has no scintigraphic images of any other heads belonging to any other humans.... Let's think calmly: if... blood of one's blood... bone of one's bone... then head of one's head – so, if Wakonowski wants to learn what his own head is like and why it is so, he must take a look into his father's head. He should also take a look into his mother's head, and into the heads of his grandparents and so on, but as it has already been written he has at his disposal only the father's head. For many years the father had been suffering a mysterious illness with symptoms similar to epilepsy, but only a bit similar; losses of awareness lasting for a minute or shorter could indicate the presence of a tumour in the brain, and this is the reason why they were trying so zealously to get into the father's head supposing this was the place where they could find the source of this mysterious illness. Finally, they found it was the abdominal aortic aneurysm, mean and nasty but clever enough to camouflage itself for many years. When it was thrown away all the mysterious symptoms were gone. The father's head was given back its reputation and all accusations were rejected. Only the prints left. Beautiful prints. Fascinating.

This work has the structure of a map, too. Because each small rectangle is like a small, very small page. And each small page, when touched, reveals the description of what it hidden behind it.
That's all.

Is a version printed on paper possible?