Art of page. Page of art. Are there any other combinations? Maybe art on a page. Maybe. Well, briefly writing a page is important here, art is not. Well, not that art is not important at all. No. definitely this is not so. Art is important, however page is more important. That's why I've typed it bold. Because it should be a piece of art which is a page. A piece of art in a form of a page. An art within one page....
A page or a leaf? A page or a sheet?
Yes. That's a problem. A riddle that should be solved. A question that should be answered. A leaf has two pages. A sheet has two pages, too. Should such a piece of art, such work, have two sides or only one? A two side picture. For example. A two side print. A sculpture usually has many sides, in fact numberless sides, so it shouldn't be displayed in this gallery.
But let us try first to answer the following question: a page, what is it? Generally, a page is supposed to be a not big, rectangle piece of paper. This is how we usually imagine it. However “usually” means “often, but not always”. So, it can happen that a page is not a rectangle piece of paper or, writing more precisely, one side of a not rectangle piece of paper, although some people, I'm afraid quite a lot of them, would not consider such a not rectangular piece of paper a page. Besides, more than usually we think a page must be made of paper. However, it can happen a page can be one side of a piece of something which is not a paper. Which is what, then? We keep on saying: a leaf of paper. Can a leaf of a tree be a page? Yes, it can. Of course. But... maybe not all tree (or plant) leaves can be a page... Do we say: a leaf of marble? or, a leaf of stone? No, rather not. Even if a piece of marble, or of any other kind of stone, was extremely thin and A5 in size, we would hardly consider it a page... And a piece of canvas? Oh, no! Canvas is for painting, not for writing on it! So, does it mean a page is for writing only? But if a small and rectangle piece of paper is covered with drawings, we are ready to say without hesitation: it is a page... And how about a screen, a computer monitor?
We keep on saying: a sheet of paper. Is one side of a sheet of paper a page? Not always. It depends of a size. A very big sheet of paper is not a page. How big should a sheet be not to be considered a page any more? Is a page taken from an ordinary copybook and magnified twenty times still a page or has it become something else? ..... And a sheet of metal? How about a metal sheet? Or, how about a not flat sheet of tree bark?
OK. OK. PageART Gallery is not so strict and orthodox. It is ready to accept really different sort of pages. Both one-side and two-side pageartworks. And multipage art works as well. But does not accept, nor even expect, books, although they are multipage objects. It does expect huge maps made of many small sheets, instead. Almost-maps. Were-maps. Written maps. Sort-of-maps.... Not only maps. Of course. It does expect a lot of things which only look like maps but are not maps at all, or are maps which don't look like maps at all, or are not maps at all and don't look like maps at all.
Certainly, works made on one sheet (or leaf) which has only one page are the most expected. A sheet which has only one side (one page) seems a masterpiece within itself. Just imagine, try to imagine, a plank which has only one side, or a board (not necessarily a black-board) which has only one side - - - - - would (could) it be an LCD screen?